It can be argued that sight is the most vital of the five senses. Your eyes enable you to see and take in the world, helping you to make sense of what is happening around you. Unfortunately, most of us tend to neglect them by failing to give them proper care. We assume that our eyesight will always be sharp and focused – until our vision begins to fail.
Part of taking care of your eyes involves being aware of and recognizing some of the potential eye problems you can experience. These can be caused by eye diseases, genetics, aging, injury, or other health conditions such as diabetes. Common eye problems you might encounter include blurred vision, blind spots, halos, and the inability to see or focus at certain distances. Some of these issues might clear up on their own, while others can be quite devastating, even leading to blindness. The most common eye problems that can result in significant vision change include:
Presbyopia – This refers to a difficulty in focusing on near objects. Aging causes it and it mostly affects people over 40 years.
Glaucoma – The elderly are at an increased risk of developing glaucoma. This disease is caused by a buildup of fluid inside the eyes resulting in increased pressure in the eyeballs. It can occur due to injury, diabetes. or aging.
Cataracts – These occur when the lenses of the eyes become cloudy. Cataracts are common in the elderly and can cause sensitivity to glare, poor nighttime vision, and halos around lights.
Looking after your eyes
Here is what to do if your vision worsens:
Wearing glasses or contact lenses
Available through prescription, these are useful for correcting short and long sightedness. There are a wide variety of glasses and contacts on the market so it is easy to find something that suits your taste.
Going for laser eye surgery
Popularly known as LASIK surgery, this refractive eye surgery can be used to correct near and farsightedness, cataracts, and even glaucoma. Laser eye surgery is a delicate procedure that has to be done by qualified practitioners. If you are in the Minneapolis area, feel free to contact LASIK Minneapolis eye care practitioners for further information on available procedures.
Getting regular eye checkups
It is recommended that you receive an eye checkup at least once every two years or more frequently as you get older. These checkups can bring potential eye problems to your attention to be dealt with before they become serious.
Proper nutrition
Good nutrition plays a major role in maintaining your vision. Antioxidants and vitamin A found in fruits and vegetables are good for your eyes, so it is a good idea to include these foods in your diet. You also need to watch your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels as all these can cause long-term damage to your eyes if left unchecked.
Remember that you only have one set of eyes. Take good care of them and they will serve you well throughout your life.