Before taking out any kind of loan, it pays to make sure that it’s definitely the right decision for you and your financial circumstances. Different kinds of loan suit different situations; a long-term DIY project, for example, might be better suited to a second mortgage or a heftier loan from a bank, while a short-term expense means taking out a short-term loan might be a good idea.
Nowhere is this maxim more true than in the world of payday loans. Payday loans have garnered a bit of a bad rep from the media, but that rep is undeserved; they’re just like any other kind of loan, but some unscrupulous shark companies managed to gain a bench in the court of public opinion before greater financial regulations led to these companies ceasing business operations. In reality, there are a number of situations in which a payday loan is a great idea for you. Here are a few situations where payday loans would come in handy.
When your credit rating isn’t great
No matter how reputable or understanding your bank may be, if you don’t have a great credit rating you’re just not going to get accepted for a loan. Credit score is often the watermark by which you’re judged for a loan; if the score is low, you won’t get credit, no matter how solvent you may currently be. There are a number of ways to improve your credit score, but most of them are long-term and some of them even involve taking on more debt. Payday loan companies, by contrast, will usually approve you for loans even when your credit score is low. By taking out a payday loan, you can easily avoid the embarrassment and difficulty of applying for a loan only to be rejected when your credit score isn’t up to scratch.
If your car stops functioning
If you’re anything like us, then your vehicle is the absolute backbone of your life. You can’t imagine going anywhere without it, and on the rare occasions when you do use public transport you feel naked. Your car is crucial, especially if you’re driving somewhere remote or distant for work. With that said, if your vehicle breaks down and you just don’t quite have the cash to cover the repair cost before payday, that’s when a payday loan might come in handy. You can apply for a quick, easy cash injection, then pay it back once your pay comes in. There’s nothing more important than peace of mind when it comes to your primary mode of transportation, so if you find yourself at a loose end, don’t be afraid to go for a payday loan.
When you’ve done your research
We said earlier that payday loans are just like any other industry when it comes to disreputable companies, and that’s absolutely true, but despite tighter financial regulations, there are still companies operating out there which – simply put – shouldn’t be. Before you take out a payday loan, make sure you’ve done solid research into which companies will do right by you. Before taking out a loan, the loan company should make your options clear and obvious; they should, optimally, discuss the loan with you before approving; and they should make the process of repayment, as well as what would happen should a repayment be late or non-forthcoming, crystal-clear. Don’t take out a loan until you find a company that satisfies these criteria, as well as any you might personally have.
When a friend or family member needs help
Here’s a situation that will be intimately familiar to many: a close friend, relative or partner suddenly loses their job. They turn to you for help, because they trust you and they know you’re financially solvent, but you’re saving for something important. How best to help them? Well, why not consider a payday loan in this circumstance? Taking out a small, quick loan will enable you to help them in the short term, then when they’re back on their feet again they can see about repaying you. You’ll be able to dip into your funds in a much more consistent fashion to repay the loan rather than drawing out money in a lump sum to give to your loved one, and they’ll thank you for being their rock in hard times.
When another debt is close to being repaid (careful!)
We want to slap a massive caveat onto the front of this one: do not use payday loans to attempt to pay off significant debts elsewhere in your life. Doing this will only lead to heartbreak as the loans pile up; if you’re not solvent enough to make regular repayments on debts, you’ll need to speak to a financial advisor or someone at the loan company to make bespoke arrangements rather than simply transferring the debt somewhere else. That said, a payday loan can be a great option if you just need to cross the finish line on a loan that’s seriously close to repayment, but for whatever reason you just don’t quite have the funds to spare in your bank account. Paying off the payday loan once payday comes will be easy, and you’ll rest easier knowing that the bigger and more pressing debt is paid.