Can you get approved for a loan with no employment?

In many cases, you cannot get a loan if you are not employed, since this is a vital thing that lenders look for in order to recover the money they lend out. 

However, there are different circumstances that lenders might consider, especially for those who are retired, freelancers or in between jobs.

According to recent statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of December 2023, the unemployment rate is around 3.9%, but there are a number of people in between jobs or working in the gig economy who may still be eligible for a loan.

In this article, we explore the possibilities and challenges of obtaining a loan without a conventional job.

Understanding the Basics of Loan Approval

Traditional lenders such as those offering personal loans or credit cards typically evaluate an applicant’s credit score, income stability, debt-to-income ratio and employment history to determine their eligibility. 

Employment serves as a key indicator of an individual’s ability to repay a loan, providing lenders with assurance regarding financial stability.

Without employment or a stable income, people may have to resort to unpleasant forms of borrowing, such as those from loan sharks or predatory lenders, selling valuable items they own through pawnbrokers or other specific loans for bad credit, which often carry high interest rates.

Do Lenders Consider Alternative Income Sources?

Yes, while conventional employment may not be a prerequisite for loan approval, alternative income sources can bolster your chances of securing financing. 

Freelancers, gig workers and independent contractors often generate income through diverse channels, such as freelance projects, rental properties, investments or royalties. 

When applying for a loan, highlighting these sources of income can demonstrate your capacity to meet repayment obligations, thereby enhancing your eligibility.

Can I Use My Assets as Collateral?

In the absence of regular employment, offering collateral can mitigate the risk for lenders and increase the likelihood of loan approval. 

Collateral typically includes valuable assets such as real estate, car (see auto loans) or savings accounts, which serve as security against the borrowed amount. 

By pledging collateral, applicants provide lenders with recourse in the event of default, thereby offsetting the perceived risk associated with non-traditional employment situations.

How To Build a Stronger Credit Profile

A robust credit history can significantly influence loan approval decisions, irrespective of employment status. 

Timely payments, low credit utilization and a diversified credit mix reflect responsible financial behavior, instilling confidence in lenders regarding your repayment capacity. 

Prioritize maintaining a healthy credit score by managing existing debts judiciously, monitoring your credit report for inaccuracies, and avoiding excessive credit inquiries.

Can I Use Co-Signers or Guarantors?

In situations where securing a loan independently proves challenging, getting the support of a co-signer or guarantor can strengthen your application. 

A co-signer, typically a family member or trusted friend, agrees to assume responsibility for loan repayment if the primary borrower defaults. Similarly, a guarantor provides a financial guarantee to the lender, offering reassurance regarding the borrower’s creditworthiness. 

By involving a co-signer or guarantor with stable employment and a strong credit history, applicants can enhance their credibility in the eyes of lenders, potentially leading to more favorable loan terms.

What Are The Specialist Loan Options Available?

In recognition of evolving employment trends and changing borrower demographics, financial institutions have introduced specialized loan products tailored to accommodate non-traditional employment arrangements. 

These include self-employed mortgages, personal loans for freelancers, and small business loans for entrepreneurs. 

Such offerings often feature flexible eligibility criteria and customized repayment terms designed to cater to the unique needs of self-employed individuals and unconventional borrowers.

While securing a loan without traditional employment presents challenges, it is not a total barrier to borrowing. By exploring some of the avenues in this article, individuals can enhance their prospects of loan approval. 

However, it’s essential to exercise caution and conduct thorough research to select reputable lenders and negotiate favorable terms. Ultimately, with careful planning and diligent financial management, individuals can navigate the loan application process successfully, even in the absence of conventional employment.

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Five Home Renovations That Could Give You a Return on Investment

Renovating an entire home can cost hundreds of thousands. Instead of doing so, many households are turning to only renovating certain parts of their home.

Whether they might be renovating to sell, or looking to grow their property’s long-term value, there are certain areas of the home where attention should be drawn to. This is because renovating these areas could help to provide a much greater return on investment.

Firstly, it is important to address any underlying issues that the property may already have, such as mould. These issues should be prioritised before any cosmetic changes are to be made. This is because sorting these out can help to prevent the property from losing any value.

Kitchens and Bathrooms

Renovating both kitchens and bathrooms could help to make a noticeable impact upon potential buyers and valuers.

While entirely updating either can be costly, there are ways to update them without spending too much. For instance, updating the cabinets with a new paint or finish, and handles and knobs can freshen up the kitchen without the need to remove and replace existing tiles for instance.

If the budget can extend, it may be worth considering knocking down any walls surrounding the kitchen to allow for a more open plan layout.

When it comes to bathrooms, little changes can be made which can make a big difference. This could include replacing only chipped or damaged tiles and changing the taps and showerhead. These can help to create a new feel, without making any drastic changes such as plumbing.

Many people consider their bathroom as a kind of personal “retreat” from the world, so little changes you can make to encourage this could make a big difference. Replacing chipped tiles, replacing outdated vanities, and changing the taps and showerhead can all contribute to creating a new look and feel, without needing to make big changes to plumbing and the like.

The Garden

The front garden, or porch, is the first thing that prospective buyers will see when viewing your property. As such, it is important to utilise this area to make a good impression. Updates could include clearing up the path, replacing the driveway paving or the front door. Further and less costly updates could include hanging flower baskets outside the front door and planting colourful flowers, as well as freshening up the exterior paint.

Often, low maintenance gardens are appealing to prospective homeowners who may have limited gardening knowledge or experience so this is also something to consider.

Increasing Natural Light in the Home

Lighting is key in changing how someone might view a property.

Depending on factors such as structure and layout, adding or expanding windows or skylights to introduce more natural light could contribute towards increasing the value of a property.

A cheaper option could also be to strategically place mirrors to make the space feel bigger and brighter.

Increasing Storage Space

Providing prospective homeowners or new tenants with additional space to store their belongings can really help to increase the appeal, and thus value, of a property.

Ways of doing so could include adding in built-in wardrobes, or a walk-in storage room. Additionally, improving a garage’s capacity for storage space can also make a big difference too.

New Paint

A fresh coat of paint can freshen up any space and increase its appeal. This is also a relatively low-cost renovation option and can even be done without seeking a professional painter.

It is thus certainly worth researching which paint colours are the most popular at the moment, as this will help to make the property appear more modern.

How Can a New Renovation be Financed?

Often, many may dip into their savings to fund any renovations to their property. Alternatively, there are a number of finance routes that can be pursued. These include the following:

  • Refinancing a mortgage
  • Applying for a construction loan
  • Withdrawing money from a mortgage offset account
  • Taking out a personal loan
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How to maximise your chances of getting a mortgage

Getting a mortgage is no easy endeavour. House prices are consistently increasing with the average UK house price now sitting at more than £270,000. Rises in house prices markedly outpace wage increases. This makes it much harder for mortgage applicants to gain acceptance among lenders. Despite these roadblocks there are actions you can take to maximise your chances of getting a mortgage.

Save For a Larger Deposit

The easiest way to enhance your probability of being accepted for a mortgage is to save for a larger deposit. The larger you deposit, the more ownership you will have of the house relative to the loan amount. If the property price is £280,000 and you put down £70,000 as your deposit, you will require a mortgage of £210,000. In this example the loan to value of the property would be the mortgage amount divided by the purchase price. That would result in an LTV of 75%.

With a lower loan to value more mortgages at better rates will be available to you. The reason for this is because as a borrower you present less risk to the lender. The more money you have in the house, the more there is for the lender to recover should repayments not be made.

Pay Off Debts & Don’t Apply for Any New Credit 

Pay off any debts you have in full as quickly as possible. Set up a realistic plan to pay back any debts you have before making an application. Mortgage providers are ultimately most concerned with a borrower’s ability to service their mortgage payments. If you have existing debt you will need to make monthly payments, reducing the amount of disposable income available to pay your mortgage. Anything you do to decrease outgoing and increase disposable income helps your mortgage application.

Taking out any new additional loans before applying for a mortgage will hinder your chances of a successful application. The new debt you’ve acquired will be recorded on your credit line. This is a big red flag to prospective lenders who will check any outstanding credit you have via credit rating agencies. Thinking of getting new furniture on credit? Considering a new finance hire agreement for a new car? Think again. These likely unnecessary purchases will adversely impact your ability to get accepted for a mortgage.

Check Your Credit Rating & Make Sure You’re on the Electoral Register?

Every Lender will check your credit rating via a credit rating agency such as Experian or Equifax. Before applying for a mortgage it’s imperative you check your score. Being aware of your score and knowing how to improve it will help maximise your chance of mortgage acceptance.

Credit agencies are aware of your entire credit history as well as current loan amounts outstanding.  Late payments and defaults adversely affect the score. Your payment history impacts 35% of your entire credit score. Even one late payment can lower your score. We’d advise setting up direct debits to ensure all debts are serviced in a timely manner to avoid this.

Credit usage has the next largest impact on your credit score at 30%. This is how much you spend on revolving credit e.g. credit cards relative to your total credit limit. It shows how reliant you are on available credit for regular spending. Lenders will want to see you aren’t overly reliant on available credit and your score will be penalised for excessive usage. To be safe ensure you spend less than 25% of your available credit usage.

Credit history length makes up 15% of your credit score. Generally the longer your credit history the higher your credit score provided you’ve paid debts on time and not defaulted. We advise building up a credit history for multiple years ahead of applying for a mortgage. Credit mix makes up the final component of your credit score at 10%. Generally a more diverse credit mix is favoured by lenders.

When applying for a mortgage you will need proof of residency. One easy way to do this is to ensure you are registered on the electoral register. This validates you have a permanent residence and often increases your credit score.

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Earnity’s Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa and Expound UX’s Role

In December 2021, Earnity raised more than $20 million, with $15 million from the stock offerings it closed with Bitcoin mining firm BitNile. The company’s goal is to develop and launch an online platform that will enable users to learn about crypto while earning and collecting tokens. Under the leadership of executives Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa, Earnity looks to solve the hindrances holding back mass crypto adoption rates. One way to promote cryptocurrency, especially to new users, is through seamless user experience (UX).

There was a time when crypto was only for the most tech-savvy internet users. However, as the digital currency’s popularity booms, so does its target market. In fact, in late 2021, it was reported that more than 100 million people worldwide had already bought in some form of cryptocurrency. So, the days that blockchain trading services were focused on backend engineering and cryptography are gone. Instead, developers should give the UX part more attention and effort.

Because not all crypto traders and buyers have enough experience with the financial system, some, if not most, of them hope to be guided and helped when completing crypto transactions. Blockchain services providers and crypto-based applications should educate the mass users and deliver a smooth and frictionless experience.

UX can also reduce the learning curve that comes with understanding and using the many decentralized finances (DeFi) and crypto protocols and products. Concepts like crypto accounts, private and public keys, block height, and others can be challenging to comprehend, especially for new users. More users will likely get on board the crypto train by designing the platform to be customer-centric, easily navigable, and intuitive.

Earnity looks to help demystify users’ crypto journey. Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa understand that users, especially newcomers, have to bear the heavy load of understanding all of the value propositions and reasons behind the existence of different kinds of crypto. The Earnity team intends to address the massive crypto access bottleneck by creating an easy-to-use, highly secure, social-first, and user-driven platform.

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Earnity’s Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa on Crypto’s Rising Popularity

As a company led by fintech veterans Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa, Earnity believes that crypto and decentralized finance will play an enormous role in making access possible for all. While crypto has gone from super niche to mainstream fringe in a little more than a decade, there is still a lot of work to be done to make crypto simple, safe, and enjoyable to use.

Cryptocurrencies have been around for quite some time now, but they have only recently become popular. Bitcoin is the most popular among the cryptocurrency ranks, but many others are gaining traction. Below are some of the most popular cryptocurrencies.

The Rise of Crypto

Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and is still the most popular. This crypto was created in 2009 and is used for all sorts of online transactions.

Ethereum is a newer cryptocurrency created in 2015. It is like Bitcoin but still has marked differences. Ethereum is used to build decentralized applications, which run on a network of computers instead of one central server.

Litecoin is another popular cryptocurrency created in 2011. It has similarities with Bitcoin but differs in several ways. Litecoin, for example, is used for smaller transactions because it has  lower transaction costs than Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash is among the newer cryptocurrencies. Created in 2017, Bitcoin Cash is a fork of Bitcoin and is used for larger transactions.

Ripple is another cryptocurrency gaining popularity recently. Created in 2012, Ripple is used for small and large transactions. It is faster and cheaper than Bitcoin.

As Dan Schatt and Domenic Carosa point out, there are many other cryptocurrencies whose popularity has risen impressively over the past few years. And with the crypto market expected to grow even further in the future, it is vital to stay up-to-date on all the latest developments, which platforms such as Earnity are designed for.

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How To Invest In Cryptocurrency – Kavan Choksi

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control new units. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency, meaning that it is not subject to government or financial institution control Kavan Choksi.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control new units. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency, meaning that it is not subject to government or financial institution control.

What is the history of Cryptocurrency?

The first Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by a pseudonymous person or group of people known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Litecoin followed Bitcoin in 2011, Namecoin in 2011, Peercoin in 2012, and Primecoin in 2013. Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services. There are a few ways to invest in Cryptocurrency. You can buy cryptocurrencies on decentralized exchanges, you can purchase goods and services with cryptocurrencies, or you can mine cryptocurrencies.

How Does Cryptocurrency Work?

Cryptocurrency transactions are secured by cryptography. Cryptocurrency units are created by a process called mining. Miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency units for verifying and committing transactions to the blockchain.

What are the Advantages of Cryptocurrency?

The advantages of Cryptocurrency include:

– Decentralization: Cryptocurrency is not subject to government or financial institution control.

– Security: Cryptocurrency transactions are secured by cryptography.

– Anonymity: Cryptocurrency units are created by a process called mining. Miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency units for verifying and committing transactions to the blockchain. This process is anonymous, meaning that the names of the miners are not revealed.

– Fractional Reserve Banking: Cryptocurrency does not rely on fractional reserve banking.

– Low Fees: Cryptocurrency transactions are typically much cheaper than traditional currency transactions.

What are the risks of investing in Cryptocurrency?

The risks of investing in Cryptocurrency include:

– Volatility: The value of Cryptocurrency can be extremely volatile.

– Lack of Regulation: Cryptocurrency is not currently regulated by any government or financial institution. This could lead to fraud and scamming.

– Lack of Liquidity: The liquidity of Cryptocurrency is relatively low compared to traditional currency. This could lead to difficulty in exchanging Cryptocurrency for traditional currency.

– Fraud: There have been a number of cases of fraud involving cryptocurrencies.

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency?

There are a few different ways that you can invest in Cryptocurrency:

– Buy Cryptocurrency: You can buy Cryptocurrency directly from exchanges or through a broker.

Use a Cryptocurrency Wallet: A cryptocurrency wallet is a software program that stores your cryptocurrency units’ public and private keys.

– Mine Cryptocurrency: Miners are people who use a computer to generate Cryptocurrency

– Invest in a Cryptocurrency Fund: You can also invest in a cryptocurrency fund, which will pool your money with other investors and invest in various cryptocurrencies.

What are the most popular Cryptocurrencies?

The most popular cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash.


Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control new units. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency, meaning that it is not subject to government or financial institution control. As a result, it is a new investment opportunity with some risks and can be a highly lucrative investment.

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Five Ways to Fund Your Business

One of the main concerns of running a business is how to keep it funded for the initial period of growth. You have a vision for your business, but you also understand that it might take a while to make the kind of money necessary for optimal growth. Still, you need to get to the point where you are growing and making money. This is why it is so important to invest money in your business. When you don’t have any more money to invest, or simply don’t want to put any more of your own money into the venture, here are five ways to come up with some extra cash to fund your business and help it grow.

Lower Overhead

Before anything, you should do your best to lower your overhead. Your overhead is the amount of money you have to pay to keep the lights on, which includes rent, salaries, and other expenses. You should also begin by decreasing the amount of money you have to pay to stay in operation. Once you have taken a deep look into where this money is going, you will have a better idea of how you should move forward.

Understand the Difference between Turnover & Revenue

Another thing you should do is understand the difference between turnover and revenue. As your company grows, you will go through your assets at a particular pace. Turnover is how efficient your enterprise is at managing the resources and cycle of business. Revenue is how much money you are making selling products or services. When you put in the work to understand the impact understanding the difference has on your business, you will be able to more faithfully put your own money into the company.

Localized Loans

When you run a business and want to put more money into it, you should look into local lenders who understand the regional economy and standard of living. Whether you’re looking for Missouri installment loans or Texas installment loans, each place has its own local economy. A personal loan from a local lender may be just what you need to invest more in your business. Depending on the availability of local lenders, business loans are another option.

Business Loans

Beyond local personal loans, business loans are another option for finding the appropriate funding for your business. Lenders are more enthusiastic about allowing you to borrow money when they believe in your business. If you work with a lender who thinks your business will be a success, they will have peace of mind in letting you borrow money. Whether you’re opening a restaurant or are starting a tech start-up, the most important thing when it comes to business loans is that you work with a lender who believes in your mission.

Find Investors

Similarly to working with business lenders, another way to get the funding you need is to find investors who believe in what you are doing. The only way an investor will get on board is if they believe in you, the product, the service, or brand. You should also understand the different types of investors by company stage. Still, if you’re lucky enough to find someone who has money to offer and believes that your venture will be a success as long as you have enough money to grow the company, you will be in good shape.

Business is dynamic. A good idea is a good idea, but there’s not always the money behind good ideas. If it is too much of a risk, no one will want to gamble on it. It is, however, necessary to have funds to expand a business and help it thrive. While you could lower your overhead and understand the difference between turnover and revenue, you still may need funds from a loan or investors.

Whether you are taking out a personal loan for business or are doing your best to find passionate investors who believe in what you are doing, the struggle to fund your business is real. When you believe in your idea, it’s difficult to give up on it just because you don’t have enough to get started. Utilize these methods and think outside the box to make sure your business gets enough funding to thrive.

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Crypto Regulation Around the World

Regulation around cryptocurrency is still very unclear and governments around the world have very different ideas about it. While some jurisdictions are trying to ban it outright, others just want to have a bit more control over how it’s traded. Some jurisdictions still don’t fully understand crypto and still don’t know if it should be qualified as a currency or a security. Understanding regulations is very important for traders as they can have serious tax and legal implications. Let’s look at a few examples of how crypto trading is regulated around the world.

United States

Even if crypto trading and mining are very popular in the US, the country still doesn’t have a clear regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. The SEC, the Treasury, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission all see cryptocurrencies differently, calling them a security, currency, and a commodity respectively. Not only that, but the IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property, which further complicates things for traders.

The country has done a great job at regulating exchanges in the country, however. All exchanges have to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act and be registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. They also have to abide by the Anti-Terrorism Act and anti-money laundering (AML) legislation.


Japan is another country that has decided to embrace crypto, and like other regions has seen a rise in the popularity of crypto trading via a range of providers that seek to serve this booming market. These include “regular” crypto exchanges, to decentralized exchanges known as a DEX, to online brokers of crypto derivatives like contracts for difference. All locally based trading platforms have to be registered with Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA), which is one of the most rigorous financial regulatory agencies in the world. All exchanges have to be compliant with AML obligations as well. Crypto gains in the country are taxed under “miscellaneous income” and crypto is viewed as property from a tax standpoint.

United Kingdom

The UK, like many other countries, does not recognize crypto as legal tender, but as property. All exchanges operating in the country have to be registered with the UK Financial Conduct Authority. They also have to abide by special ‘know your customer’ (KYC) regulations and follow AMT and CFT guidelines.


Canada is one of the countries that has taken the most proactive measures to regulate crypto trading. All exchanges in the country have to be regulated by provincial agencies. The country is also one of the first to accept crypto derivatives by being the first to approve a Bitcoin ETF in February 2021.


Australia is relatively proactive when it comes to crypto and has some strict rules about what exchanges can offer services to Australians and even which coins they can offer. Australia is one of the only countries to formally ban privacy coins, and exchanges operating in the country have to register with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre while abiding by AML/CFT regulations. Australia also has strict rules regulating initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crypto is treated as legal property under the tax code.

Even if most countries have similar legislation governing crypto, there are still some nuances. This is why traders living in these countries or thinking of trading within their borders should learn more about the regulatory framework in each country before starting.

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How Does a Credit Union Work?

The first thought of many people who need to take out a loan is to turn to banks. But there are other institutions in the financial system that you can apply to for a loan, such as Payday Depot or a Credit Union.

Brief Credit Union History

The first Credit Unions appeared in the 19th century. In 1934, president Franklin Roosevelt adopted the Federal Credit Union Law, thereby creating more favorable conditions for their development and dissemination. It stated that a credit union could be established under federal or state law. The adoption of this law was followed by the creation of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund regulated by NCUA, and their deposits have become insured at the federal level. Now that you know a bit of history, let’s try to understand what the credit unions are and how they work. 

What Is a Credit Union?

Credit Union services are quite similar to bank services, but with one significant difference. Banks attract customers and provide them with their services, whereas a Credit Union is а member-owned, member-controlled financial cooperative. Serving millions of people, Credit Unions are managed by a Board of Directors with a principle of one participant – one vote. Credit unions are open to everyone, and all members can participate in the elections of the Board of Directors. According to federal laws, these people serve credit unions as volunteers and don’t get compensation.

Credit Union vs. Commercial Bank

While commercial banks operate exclusively based on the profit received from their customers, the goal of Credit Unions is to provide their members with the necessary financial resources at more convenient conditions. Credit Unions work on the not-for-profit principle, but this doesn’t mean that they are charitable foundations. Credit Unions still need to provide some profit for themselves to cover operating expenses. The services provided by Credit Unions include:

  • Deposit accounts and boxes
  • Debit and credit cards
  • Consumer loans
  • Car loans
  • Mortgages
  • Home Equity Loans and many more

Thanks to the Credit Unions’ business model, many of these services will cost less. 

Types of Credit Unions

Credit Unions can be classified based on the level at which they are registered. This classification has two types:

  • Federally Chartered Credit Unions, regulated by the NCUA.
  • State-chartered credit unions, regulated by the government. It is worth mentioning that not every state has a state-chartered Credit Union. 

Besides, Credit Unions differ depending on who can become members of the Credit Union in question. Here are some examples:

  • Local Credit Unions
  • College Credit Unions
  • Military Credit Unions
  • Employer Credit Unions
  • Group Credit Unions

Bottom Line

Along with reasonable prices for services, credit unions also have restrictions. Firstly, it is necessary to be a member and make contributions to benefit from them. Secondly, the Credit Union network is not as widespread as the banking one. In addition, they do not own large assets like banks, and because of this, they may have stricter limitations when it comes to providing services.

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3 Changes You May Make for Your Business

Do you have any thoughts to making significant changes to your business anytime soon?

In the event you say yes to such a question, what might those changes be?

Making one or big changes to something you’ve worked for over the years can seem a little daunting.

That said it is important to have faith in any big decisions you want to move ahead with.

Changing the Status of Your Business

When considering changes for your business, here are three that may come to mind and why to consider them:

  1. Organizing in a different way – Have you given thought to the possibility of changing? That is how your business is legally organized? For example, what about the notion to convert C Corp to an LLC for your business? Doing this can allow shareholders to take proceeds. They can then make contributions with them to the LLC. Such a conversion can also mean tax benefits over time. Be sure you do research and speak to pros familiar with the conversion process. Do what it takes to avoid a big tax bill you want no part of it. Organizing in a different way can also mean you will expand beyond your present base. If you only have one office or other sort of workspace, any thoughts to expanding? This can lead to more business. It may mean going outside the town or city you are in now. By knowing when the proper time to grow your business is, you could set the stage for a boom. This is one that will take your company to new heights.
  2. Changes in management – Depending on the size and scope of your business, might it be time to shake things up? That is with your management if you have people in such roles? Such changes are big and should not be taken lightly. That said you may be at a point where you sense such a move can better propel the business forward. One of the keys to having a successful business is having the right people in the right positions. So, take stock of those individuals you have now and what they are doing. You may well decide that some change is needed and can’t wait.
  3. Go in a new direction – Although it is a big move, would you consider taking your aspirations in a new direction? This can mean selling what you have now and starting fresh. Even though such a move is a big one, you may feel it is in your best financial interests to do this. So, before you make such a move, sit down and think it over from start to finish. Do you have the financial means to sell your business and open something brand new? That of course depends in part on what kind of offers you may get for your current business. You’d also need to think if you have employees about how such a move would impact them. Finally, what are the trends showing in the industry you are thinking about going into? Doing all this research is key before considering a move. Remember, it will have a major impact on your life in more ways than one.

In making changes for your business, are you confident you will make all the right decisions?

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