Three Reasons You Should Give Up Booze In 2023

How many mornings have you had where you’ve woken up and promised yourself you’re never going to drink again? Let’s face it, we’ve all had them. But how many of you have actually committed to it?

We all know how bad alcohol is for us and many of us towards the end of the year partake in dry January, but why not go the whole hog and give up booze completely in 2023?

There are many benefits of giving up alcohol, and it genuinely could be a lifechanging decision, particularly if you do have a problematic relationship with the substance. In which case, it won’t be easy, with alcohol detox often much more effective when done with professional support.

Come out of that though and you’ll certainly feel the benefit…

Physical Benefits

First and foremost, you’ll feel some real physical benefits. Beginning with the lack of a hangover. Imagine a Saturday or Sunday morning feeling as fresh as a daisy to hit the ground running and make the most of your day?

Stopping drinking will lead to a better night’s sleep, more energy and ultimately more time to do the things you love.

Alongside this, alcohol can have a significant impact on your skin and hair, leaving it dull and lifeless as well as leading to problems such as dry and irritable skin. 

The health of your liver will also improve and allow your body to concentrate on other parts of the body, leaving you feeling much healthier and fresh.

Mental Benefits

The benefits on mental health are also huge. Ever had the beer fear? Well that won’t happen anymore. You also can’t potentially embarrass yourself while under the influence of alcohol. 

Alcohol can significantly increase anxiety levels and be a real catalyst for depression too. 

Giving up alcohol can have the opposite reaction to your mental health. Successfully giving up can increase confidence as you know you have the will-power to do it, which will have a knock on effect on your everyday life too.

Financial Benefits

And all the while your overall health improves, the health of your bank balance will also improve. Alcohol doesn’t come cheap, and it can have a real impact on your finances, with many alcoholics suffering real difficulty, skipping bills to fund their addiction. 

Think about how much you spend on alcohol each week and what that equates to over a year. Now, think about what you could spend that money on – a holiday, a new car, pair of shoes, or even just a healthy increase in your savings. That alone could make giving up booze in 2023 all the more worthwhile.

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3 Lifestyle Tips For Hard Workers

Whether you work in a restaurant kitchen, are a long-haul truck driver, or regularly put in long hours at the office, being a hard worker is not easy! You are an asset to whomever you work for because not everyone works as hard as you do, but sometimes you can get taken advantage of because of your hard-working nature. If you’re always thinking of ways to work more and constantly putting in overtime, read on. Here are 3 helpful lifestyle tips for hard workers.

Take Time Off

Even those who love their jobs and have a strong work ethic need to take time off at least once a year or so if possible. To avoid burnout, you need a little time away from your job to do the things you love and spend time with your family. If you aren’t able to get paid time off, save up some money so that you are able to take the vacation (or staycation) that you need.

Additionally, if anything happens to you you need to be comfortable taking time off to heal. For example, if you are injured in a truck accident you may be inclined to go back to work right away and work through your pain, but that is not the smart thing to do. Sick pay is available at most jobs for a reason, so be sure to use it at the times you really need it and get your body back to 100% before returning to your regular work schedule.

Take Breaks

Many hard workers find it difficult to take breaks because they know there is a lot that needs to be done and they’d rather just work through their breaks in order to meet their deadlines. For others, they may find that taking a break slows them down or makes them tired. Either way, it is important for both your mind and your body to take breaks when you can. This simple practice will actually end up improving your work in the long run.

Stand Up For Yourself

Sometimes when people are very hard workers, their employers take notice of this and ask then to take on even more duties because they know that they will get the job done right. Unfortunately, because of this you can easily get taken advantage of.

To avoid this, make sure to always stand up for yourself and only take on the duties that you know you can handle. You should also ask for extra compensation if you are asked to take on a significant amount of more work!

Having a strong work ethic is a great quality to have. Just try to stand your ground and give yourself breaks when you need to and you will be just fine!

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Lifestyle Tweaks To Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight is really important for many individuals from around the world. Unfortunately, most focus on what they eat and working out. While it is true that some products like Le-Vel reviews are interesting and can help you to have a more active life, the truth is that it is your lifestyle that needs to change first. Lifestyle changes are highly important if you want to gain a sustained weight loss as opposed to simply losing some weight and then put it back on.

Limit Eating Out

If you are currently used to eating out many times per week at restaurants or fast food joints, stop. It is all you need to do in order to drastically improve your weight loss efforts. If this is something that you really enjoy, you can always go for just one outing per week. It is more than enough. Also, instead of ordering the really large portions, go for something healthier and smaller.

Shop Intelligently

When you change your shopping habits you will be able to avoid that unwanted situation in which you feel a craving and you actually have it inside the home. Our routine is what destroys our weight loss efforts the most. When you go to the supermarket make it a habit to avoid the sugary and salty regions. Simply avoid them. Do not buy candy and do not invest money in that. It will be a little difficult on the long run but after some time you will get used to it.

Prepare Your Breakfast Ahead Of Time

One of the biggest problems with losing weight is that people do not really eat a good breakfast. You should never skip your breakfast as it really is the most important meal of the day. We recommend that you prepare the breakfast ahead of time. Simply mix protein with some whole grains for a total of around 300 calories. You can even make it a meal to take on the go if you have to go to work. Sandwiches can also be prepared ahead of time. It is basically impossible to lose weight on the long run if you do not eat a good breakfast every single tip. This is a very easy weight loss tip that will help you so much more than what you think at the moment.

Start Working Out Even If Just For A Few Minutes

Watching TV is something that so many do these days. Why not make this a part of your weight loss process? During the commercials all that you have to do is exercise a little. Jumping jacks and crunches can be done in that short time frame. It is even possible to start dancing while the dishes are done. The calories that you will burn will eventually add up and more importantly, you can keep your mind away from junk food. Since we talk about exercising, do your best to quit smoking! Believe it or not but this will make you healthier and will increase your desire to work out!

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Don’t Make Identity Theft Part of Your Lifestyle

When things are going great, life can be as good as it gets.

You have a good job, money is not an everyday worry, you live in a nice home or apartment, your family and friends are healthy and safe, and the list goes on and on. Sounds pretty good, yes?


Now stop for a moment and image how that ideal life can be turned upside down when you’re the victim of identity theft.

In just a short period of time, that life you so enjoyed can be turned on its ears, leaving you feeling helpless and potentially in a major financial hole.

Keep Identity Theft Thieves at Bay

So that you can keep those at bay who would do you financial harm, remember these tidbits:

  • Choose How to Protect Your Identity – Your first order of business is making sure your identity (particularly your financial well-being) is protected as much as possible. You may be at a lost how best to do that, but there are companies and services out there such as to assist you. When working with such businesses, they are experts in narrowing down the field of identity theft providers, giving you more knowledge of which one best fits your identity theft protection needs. By comparing a number of providers, they can match you up, giving you more peace of mind;
  • Don’t Be Careless with Your Identity – Having the best identity theft provider around won’t mean all that much if in fact you are careless with your identity, notably your financial persona. It is important that you always guard your financial identity (credit and debit cards, bank account info, your Social Security number, PIN numbers for important financial items etc.). As identity theft thieves become even better with compromising technology and using it to their advantage, it is all the more important that you avoid being careless with your data. If someone calls you and poses as a business owner, make sure you do not give out sensitive info like a SSN or other personal identification. In many cases, that “business” calling you is actually an I.D. theft criminal, hoping you will provide him or her with data they need to become a nuisance in your life. It just takes one slip-up on your end to give a thief or thieves an invitation into your financial world;
  • Public Places Can Be Dangerous – Never stop yourself from going out in public (see more below), but be careful when you do. Stop and think for a moment about how many times over the years you’ve likely exposed your credit card, left a financial receipt behind, and so on. You may have gotten lucky and not been the victim of an identity theft crime at the time, but chalk that up as just that, luck. If you’re out a restaurant, make sure your waiter or waitress takes the merchant’s copy of the receipt with them, avoiding having it sit on the table while other people are coming and going;
  • Careful When Traveling – You should never shy away from travel when you have the opportunity, but do it so carefully. Identity theft thieves oftentimes will target a hotel or motel, figuring there are golden opportunities awaiting them to catch travelers with their guards down. Even though you do not need to be obsessive about it, don’t leave your laptop (if you travel with it for business or personal reasons) sitting around with sensitive data on the screen. When out of your room, avoid leaving credit cards behind on a table or any information that leads to your bank account. While you’d like to think most individuals working in hotels and motels are honest, is it worth the risk of having your financial life turned upside down?

Your lifestyle should be one of hard work and lots of fun when the work day is over.

Don’t make the job easy for identity theft thieves; keep them working overtime in trying to penetrate your financial world.

If you want to live a lifestyle that is free of financial headaches from criminals, take the time to review what you’re doing right protecting your identity, along with seeing where you need a little reinforcement.

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