Important Events in the Life of a Young Person

There are important ages in young person’s life where they make transitions from one age group to the next. Many of these transitions are commemorated with a party or some type of an event to honor the young person. Following are few of the very important events that young people will have to mark their age transitions and go on to become adults.

Sweet 16 Party

The sweet 16 party is usually held for a girl and signifies her going from a girl to a young lady. The age was picked because at one point it was the legal age for many things that have since been moved to 18. Still 16 is an age when a young woman begins taking on some big responsibilities. She can drive and parents tend to pass more control on to kids this age. The party is usually a big one with friends attending either the afternoon or nighttime event. Music, food and non-alcoholic beverages are standard but no gifts are given.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah

These are two coming of age parties for Jewish youth. According to formal Jewish law, when Jewish boys become 13 years old, they then become accountable for their actions and become a bar mitzvah. For a girl, she becomes a bat mitzvah at the age of 12 or 13 and also becomes accountable for her actions.

Before reaching this transitional age, the parents of the child hold the responsibility for the child’s actions. One the child reaches this age, the boys and girls bear their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and most importantly ethic. They are also now able to participate in all areas of Jewish community life.

Both the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs are commemorated in a lavish ceremony that includes the relatives, close friends and peers of the children. The ceremony includes gift giving and music and often functions as a coming of age party for the young person. All in a   ll it is a happy and fun affair where kids can dance and sing and enjoy each other’s company


The prom is one of the biggest events in the life of a young person. It represents the opportunity for a young person to have their first date at a school sponsored party. High school juniors and seniors each have their own prom where they dress up and attend. The boys will each ask a girl to go to the prom and they will pick her up and escort her there and throughout the evening. Boys will typically wear suits and girls will dress in a long prom dress, and it is a very formal affair. The event will be chaperoned by teachers to make sure that everyone is safe and following rules.

When girls get a chance to get dressed in a prom dress and boys in a nice suit, the result is that they take a a level of seriousness that causes them to mature a bit. Not fully but it is certainly a good start and puts them on the right path.

18th Birthday

The 18th birthday is an important point in a young person’s life. It means that the person reaches many legal milestones the most prominent of which is the right to vote. The young person can also get a full driver’s license and can also drink alcohol legally. The age is usually commemorated with a party and when it does happen there is drinking and lots of fun.

These commemorative dates and parties are important to young people and helps them to be reminded that they are becoming adults with more responsibilities.

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How to Spend Less on Your Children’s Wardrobe


It is very easy nowadays to find affordable kids clothing brands. The majority of those are mass-produced and available in online stores, supermarkets, and retail stores. However, as available and affordable as these are, parents sometimes do feel under pressure to make sure their children look fantastic, wearing designer labels. Their kids, generally, don’t care as much about this, but parents do not want to lose face in front of other parents. The sad part about this, however, is that parents simply cannot afford the labels they would like, in the quantity the need. Luckily, there are a couple of ways to make sure your kids look amazing without landing yourself in debt.

  1. Resell Anything You Bought New

Kids grow out of their clothes very quickly. If you ever gave in and bought a true designer label, like Burberry Kids or other such brands, it is likely that by the time your child outgrows them, they will still be in excellent condition. Don’t throw or give them away, but sell them so that you have some money to buy something new.

  1. Shop Secondhand

It stands to reason that, if you will sell your old designer clothes that your child has outgrown, other people will do the same thing. And since you can see that the clothes you want to sell are still in excellent condition, you can safely assume that other people’s clothes are the same. The thing about real designer labels is that they are of excellent quality, and you won’t be able to tell that they have been worn by someone else before you. Naturally, the previous owner will have had to look after things properly, followed the washing instructions, and so on. But you can check this before you buy or, if you buy online, you can return items if they are not in the expected condition.

  1. Swap with Other People

Don’t be embarrassed about asking other people who you know who also have children to swap with you. You could even create a little clothing bank. If you were to invest in really expensive designer labels, you will find that those clothes stand out from the crowd, so you won’t be able to let your child wear them often, or people will start to think they only have one outfit! But if you swap with parents, it could mean that each of you only has to buy a single designer outfit, yet all of your kids can look unique regularly.

  1. Shop for the Right Designer

Does your child really have to wear Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, or Prada? Or will they be perfectly happy, and perhaps even cuter and cooler, in designer brands that focus specifically on children? These clothes tend to be a whole lot more affordable. Plus, they are made with kids in mind, which means materials will be slightly strong at certain pressure points (like the knees!). This is perhaps the best tip of all, as it means shopping affordably, but for high quality.

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The Top Choking Hazards for Children and Toddlers

Do you know what the Top Choking Hazards for Children are?

For parents, there are many safety concerns regarding their childrens well-being. One of the biggest safety concerns is choking, as children not only tend to put everything in their mouth, their airways are much smaller, which means that food that is too large can easily get stuck and block their airways.

For parents, it is extremely important to know how to handle a situation in which their child is choking, as being calm, cool, and collected could save their childs life. From taking a CPR course to knowing what objects are the biggest choking hazards, parents need to be prepared in order to accurately handle a situation and, hopefully, prevent it altogether.

Here are some of the top choking hazards that put children at risk:


Toddlers often put anything they find in their mouth, and spare change can pose a big threat to your childs well-being. Many people leave spare change in their purse, on the counter, or in other locations that are accessible to their children. In order to keep them from choking on change, do your best to make sure your change is placed in a childproof place.

Hot Dogs

Due to their size and shape, hot dogs are extremely dangerous for children. Many parents feed their children hot dogs, because their soft texture is easy for their children to eat, but their size and consistency pose quite a threat, as they can easily slide down their throats without being chewed, thus blocking their airways. By cutting them in small, irregular shapes, you can help to prevent them from choking.

Hard Candy

While many kids love hard candy, the small size and slippery texture is easy to choke on, especially if your kids are laughing or running while eating the candy. Many doctors recommend parents should avoid giving children under four hard candy, as they are typically not old enough to handle hard candy properly.

Safety Pins, Paper Clips, and other Household Objects

Small household objects are extremely hazardous, especially if they fall on the floor or are left sitting in a common area. Objects like safety pins, paper clips, nails, thumbtacks, batteries, buttons, and other household objects of similar sizes should be kept out of reach of children. Plus, if you throw away any of these items, make sure to put them in a trashcan that your child cannot get into, as many children often get into trashcans and pull out dangerous items.

Nuts and Raw Veggies

While many parents like to give their children small finger foods they can gnaw on, raw veggies like carrots or celery are easy to choke on because they are so hard to chew. Similarly, nuts and popcorn are so small that eating them whole can pose a big risk to their safety, especially if they have an allergy. Try to avoid giving your children whole nuts and popcorn.


The size of grapes are particularly dangerous because of their circular shape. In order to keep them from choking on grapes, make sure to cut in them half or quarters, and if they have seeds inside, make sure to remove them.

Knowing the top choking hazards for children can help you take preventative measures to keep them as safe as possible.

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