Tips for Achieving a Debt-Free Life

Some 189 million Americans have credit cards with the average balance per household being $8,398. Keep in mind, that’s just credit card debt. We haven’t mentioned mortgages, car loans or student loans.

Sadly, debt is so prevalent in America, most people consider it a way of life.

However, it is possible to live without it.

Here are some tips for achieving a debt-free life.

Create an Emergency Fund

If you have yet to do so, make it a priority to put away at least three to six months of your monthly expenses as a hedge against income disruption or large unexpected expenses. Having this money put away will enable you to weather such instances without incurring more debt — or at least as much as you would have otherwise.

Prioritize Paying Off Debt

As common sense as this particular tip may seem, most people have no idea how to do it.

Let’s say you’re one of those people who have four credit cards, with the total balances adding up to $8,398. Let’s say the balance on one of the cards is $3,000, another one is $2,500, another one is $1,500 and the last one is $1,398. Now, let’s say the minimum payment on each of those cards is $50, and you’ve been paying $100 per month on each one.

That’s a mistake; it’ll take too long to pay them all off that way.

The Debt Snowball

Instead, make the minimum payment on all of them except the one with the $1,398 balance. This will afford you $250 monthly to pay toward that one, which will help you pay it off more than twice as fast as when you were only paying $100 monthly.

Once you’ve eliminated that balance, you’ll have $300 monthly to put toward the $1500 balance, which will also have been being paid down at the rate of $50 monthly while you were killing the first account. Repeating the process with each successive card will give you the entire $400 to put toward the highest balance when all of the others are cleared up.

You’ll pay off all four cards much sooner than you would at the rate of $100 monthly on each one.

By the way, this works with car loans and mortgages too.

You can eliminate all of your debts with this method.

Debt Consolidation

Another way to approach debt elimination is with a credit card consolidation loan. While it might seem a bit backwards to make debt to get rid of debt, there are situations in which credit card consolidation can make sense.

You have to make sure the consolidation loan you take will let you pay your debts off sooner than you would by paying them individually. You’ll also want to seek a lower overall interest rate and a lower overall monthly payment.

Focus on Saving and Investing Next

With your debt eliminated, you can turn your attention to preparing for the time when you’ll no longer go to work every day. In other words, it’s time to start building your retirement fund.

We recommend eliminating debt first because the interest you’ll pay vs. the interest you’ll earn tends to be higher. Eliminating debt effectively means your money earns more interest afterwards — thus it’s a good investment.

Create a Spending Plan and Stick to It

One of the most fundamental of the tips for achieving a debt-free life. Creating a spending plan helps you ensure your money is working for you in every way possible, as opposed to against you.

Your goal should be to live on 80 percent of your income or less, while saving/investing at least 20 percent or more for your long-term goals. This becomes easy to accomplish with your debt laid to rest. Plus you’ll be able to save more so you can make subsequent purchases in cash, rather than charging them.

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Are You Cashing in on Credit Cards?

How is your small business standing apart from competitors? In some cases, it is the customer service that you and/or your employees (if applicable) provide those buying from you. Others, meantime, turn to stellar advertising and marketing to attain success.


Then again, there are also those small business leaders that work feverishly on bringing the latest technology to their companies, making the shopping and buying experience as smooth as possible for the public.

No matter where you fit in these areas – there is one aspect of being a good business man or woman that one should never overlook – credit cards.

Stop for a moment and think about where your business would be if it did not accept credit cards.

Sure, you could make sales with cash and even checks, but accepting credit cards makes life much easier for you and of course your customers.

With that being said, are you up to speed on the latest in credit card technology?

Credit Cards and Informed Consumers

It should not come as a major surprise that credit cards are a booming part of purchasing products and services across America.

While many consumers still deal with sizable credit card debt, still others have worked to reduce such debts in recent years. That said your small business should make the credit card buying experience as simple and informative as possible.

As part of your small business branding strategies, make it clear to consumers that you accept credit cards, but customers may also pay with cash, checks, debit cards etc.

If you have a small business blog (and you should), you can add posts about how consumers can and should be responsible when it comes to their credit card usage. Sure, you want them to buy your products and services, but a customer saddled in credit card debt is not good for them or your business for that matter.

There are countless articles, infographics, videos and more out there talking about the role credit cards play in the lives of American consumers, so add some of that material to your website’s blog, giving consumers a whirlwind of financial information.

Technology Continues Expanding

Another topic of recent interest is the nationwide chip-card explosion.

For those consumers and/or businesses not fully up to speed on this, chip-cards are credit cards that provide added security measures, making it harder for identity theft thieves to manipulate them and use for their own financial gain.

When one’s current credit card expires, more card providers are now sending new cards that have the chip in them. Instead of swiping the traditional credit card through a machine at check-out, consumers now place the card inside the card-reader, removing it after several seconds.

Again, informing consumers about this latest technology is another way for your business to cash-in on credit cards, showing customers that your business is adapting to the changes.

Speaking of identity theft a moment ago, what is your small business doing to limit the possibilities of you and/or some of your customers becoming the next victims?

With all you have to do in running a small business, it can be easy to overlook security needs from time to time. When that happens, identity theft thieves and others looking to cause you and/or your customers financial pain can strike at a moment’s notice.

Stay a step or two ahead of such criminals by continuously reviewing your in and out of office security procedures. Yes, this means extra time and effort is needed on your part (and your employees too), but the benefits far outweigh the time spent doing this.

Reviewing your security measures on a regular basis will also help assure many of your customers that they can continue to trust you as a reliable source to do business with.

Given how just one lapse in credit card security can cause financial pain for both the customer and the small business owner, you never want to take credit card protection for granted.

Take the time today to see how the credit card industry is not only helping your company, but also how card usage needs continuous monitoring.

When you play things as safe as possible, you can cash-in on having a successful small business.

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