Twelve of the Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

Beautiful flowers such as the Columbine can be found in abundance in the alpine meadows of Colorado's Rocky Mountains ... photo by CC user mypubliclands on Flickr

Photo by CC user mypubliclands on Flickr

There are maybe only a handful of people in the world that do not appreciate the most beautiful flowers in the world. The colours, the smell, the shape or the many other beautiful features from these flowers are something you do not want to miss out on.

No two people would pick the same 12 flowers if they were asked which were their favourite. We do not even believe that florists at would be able to agree.

My Own Personal Beautiful Flowers List is as Follows…

  1. One of the most beautiful flowers in my book is the Colorado Columbine, a native flower to the Rocky Mountains. This beautiful and rare mountain flower that grows at an altitude of over 14.000 feet, has delicate purple petals combined with white outer petals and a yellow stamen. It is an absolute vision of beauty.


  1. Canna is another flower that many people do not know of. The beautiful flower has extremely bright colours and unique patterns on the petals. It is visually amazing every time you see it and it always brings a smile to my face.


  1. Some people love this flower and some just do not see the beauty, but the Black Petunia with its velvet looking petals and deep black appearance with a yellow stamen is a special sight. It is a flower that is extremely rare and has been developed in recent years by horticulturists.


  1. Parrot Beak is a special flower, not only because it looks like a parrot’s beak, but also the beautiful colours of orange, red and black all mixed in to give the picture of a flower that is both unique and astonishing in appearance.


  1. Jade Wine is a flower that cannot be found outside the Philippines. It is rare and you will not find it in many colours. The petals range from mint green to blue green, but the claw like shape of the petals and hanging in truss of up to 3 metres.


  1. The Dahlia is another flower that has to be on my list. It is a flower that not catches your eye with its colour but also with its size. It can grow to over 30 centimeters and sprout many petals in an integrate pattern, that will intrigue and attract many admirers.


  1. The small delicate Cherry Blossom that is seen in spring is amazing. The flowers are delicate in colour and range from white to a light pink. To experience a Cherry Blossom tree in spring and see the petals fall to the ground like snowflakes is a sight you must experience at least once in your life. Consider planting one in your backyard if you live in a warm enough climate.


  1. The Bleeding Heart… they look like the name suggests, a bleeding heart. It looks so delicate and in red, pink and white colours it is a beautiful small flower that you can see from April to June.


  1. The Tulip is also amongst the prettiest and most beautiful flowers to be found. It comes in many colours. They bloom in the springtime and can be found in many gardens around the world and grows wild as well. And they do make some of the most beautiful bouquets.


  1. With a name like Lily of the Valley you know you will set your eyes upon something of extreme beauty. A small and delicate flower that will bloom in spring. They are also known as “Lady’s tears” due to their beautiful bells.


  1. The Magnolia is a tree that only blossoms for a few days in spring. But it is a sight to behold. The flowers are so beautiful that they are worth a detour just for you to look upon this tree in bloom.


  1. The Rose is considered to be the most beautiful flower in the world. And with good reason. With its perfect petals this flower has crowned itself the queen of them all!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The above beautiful flowers all makes an astonishing entrance whether it be in nature, in your garden, or in a bouquet. A blooming flower always draws attention for a reason. Because who can fail to enjoy their beauty.

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Is your company taking credit for a smooth business operation?

Top notch customer service is at the nexus of a smooth business operation ... photo by CC user rahulrodriguez on Flickr

Photo by CC user rahulrodriguez on Flickr

In order to run your business down the path of success and not failure, you need to make sure you are giving customers everything they want and then some.

With that being the case, what exactly are you doing to make sure consumers have all the options needed to make their browsing and buying from you as smooth as possible?

If you’re not sure, take the time now to put a winning game-plan in place to ensure smooth business operation.

Technology is a necessity for smooth business operation

Start the process by looking at what level of technology you are provider customers with.

If it is great, then you don’t need to make any major changes. On the other hand, brands with average to poor technology offerings for their customers are the companies looking for trouble.

In order to best determine what level of technology service you are providing customers, look at the following and see where you’re at:

  1. Website – Face it; your website is your company’s greatest selling point. Without a formidable website, your brand will have trouble reaching countless consumers, many of whom could be your next customers. Review your site regularly to make sure it is firing on all cylinders. If your site offers an Ecommerce store, it is imperative that it is running properly 24/7/365. With more and more shoppers doing their browsing and buying online these days, it is imperative that your Ecommerce store (if you have one) works flawlessly. This is especially true when shoppers go to the “checkout” phase of a purchase. Nothing frustrates customers more than taking the time to fill out all the needed information for a purchase, only to have the credit card processor fail. That’s why it’s important to use a reliable credit card processor. Even without an online store, always review your website, looking for any potential shortfalls that could have a negative impact on business;
  2. Customer service – Put yourself in the shoes of customers for a moment. Don’t you get frustrated when you phone or email a business over an issue, only to essentially be ignored? It happens more times than not, leaving many customers disappointed, a disappointment that can lead to them changing businesses. Make stellar customer service a priority when it comes to your brand. Whenever a customer has an issue with your brand (online shopping, in-person matter etc.), always make their problem your problem. If you stop and think about it, bad customer service will become your problem sooner rather than later if you start losing business over it. Your website once again oftentimes plays a key role in this department. If customers are emailing you and/or reaching out on social media, make sure you do not keep them waiting when it comes to response time;
  3. Consistency – Whether you have been in business for many years or just recently started up your company, consistency is something you should never overlook. How you treat your customers, how you promote your brand, even how you go about ordering supplies, all should show a degree of consistency. While there is nothing wrong with trying out some new initiatives (in fact, encourage this), most customers want to know that they can count on your business for efficiency and dependability. Unveiling some new tech initiatives, especially things such as mobile marketing (see more below), are great ways to increase the odds of landing new business;
  4. Mobility – Speaking a moment ago about mobile marketing, how much of a role does it play in your present business affairs? If the answer is little or not at all, change that moving forward. As more customers turn to their mobile devices to browse and ultimately buy goods and services, you need to have a presence there whether you want to or not.


In today’s world, taking credit for running a smooth business operation is something you should be doing on a regular basis.

No, you’re not tooting your horn too much to say you’re on top of your game as a business owner.

What you are doing is reassuring consumers that you are a brand they can trust.

When you do that, your business stands to reap the public relations and financial benefits for all to see.

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A Guide to Surviving a Long Layover

The long layover is loathed by many ... how do you turn the experience on its head?

Whether expected or unexpected, a long layover between flights can be a grueling experience. Waiting for hours in an airport is not a pleasant experience, especially when you have a long flight ahead of you.

When it comes to a layover, there is not much you can do to shorten the length, as you are completely at the mercy of the airport. However, there are ways you can make your layover more comfortable, enjoying the time you have before taking flight.

Here is the ultimate survival guide for the long layover:


There is nothing worse than being stuck in a long layover without any form of entertainment. Many people make the mistake of packing their books, electronics, and charging cords in their luggage, leaving them with little to no way to pass the time in the airport.

In your carry-on bag, keep your phone or tablet cords handy, thus if you begin to run low on battery, you can charge up at a charging station while catching up on the news, your favorite TV shows through your Directv app, reading your favorite books, or listening to music.

Plus, over the airports wifi, you can stream your favorite movies or TV shows from Direct TV packages, download new books or albums to listen to, and keep up with your social media sites. There are also some great online games you can kill some time by utilizing free airport Wi-Fi. Try playing finding dory, it’s a lot of fun!


Depending upon what airport you are in, there is often plenty to explore. If you know you are going to be sitting on a long flight, take the time you have during your layover to walk the airport. Not only will you be able to find interesting gift shops, you will also be stretching your legs and preparing them for a long flight of sitting.


Most flights no longer serve food, unless it is an international flight, so enjoy a nice meal at one of the restaurants in the airport. Many people spend the whole layover time waiting at their gate when there is a whole airport to explore. Find a good restaurant, order a nice meal, and enjoy the atmosphere. Most of the restaurants have TVs where you can catch up on sports games or other highlights. Plus, most of the restaurants have a fully stocked bar so you can grab a drink and relax before your flight.

Sleeping well on a long layover

For those who do not sleep well on a flight, consider finding a quiet corner in the airport to catch up on your sleep. Set an alarm to ensure you do not miss your flight, grab your neck pillow, and enjoy the rest you can get before your flight.


Many airports have more than just restaurants or gift shops available. Some have museums, massage parlors, and other entertainment that can help pass the time. Getting up and checking out what the airport has to offer can help you stay alert and keep time for feeling like it is standing still.

While the long layover is not the most fun experience ever, with these tips, you can make the most out of it!

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Laser Liposuction Surgery for overcoming Body Fat

Laser Liposuction Surgery is one of the top methods of reducing body fat fast ... photo by CC user BestInPlastics on Flickr

Photo by CC user BestInPlastics on Flickr

Liposuction has become a common surgical procedure, especially for those who carry extra body fat and failed in diet. As the technology is getting upgraded, the procedure has become easier and faster. One such is the laser liposuction technique where lasers are used to break up fat before its removal from the body.

There are two types of laser liposuction- Internal and External.

External Liposuction is done by using laser pen or pad outside the patient’s body before the surgery.

Internal laser liposuction is done by using laser attached into suction device which is inserted into are to be treated.

Areas where laser liposuction is performed:

  • Abdomen

  • Thighs

  • Knees

  • Arms

  • Face

  • Neck

Does it really work on the affected area?

Compared to traditional way of lipo surgery, the laser technique does work wonders. Though there will be certain alteration in the initial stage. Moreover, you must know that after the surgery, there will be change in shape of the body. In addition to this, the laser technique doesn’t reduce the stretch marks formed on the fatty area. However, having a consultation from reputed surgeon of Sono Bello will certainly help you to get the best return.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Lipo:

Advantages of Laser Lipo Surgery:

  • No need to wait for long hours, it is available instantly

  • Possible reduction of stretch marks

  • Quick recovery from fatty area

Disadvantages of Laser Lipo:

  • Quite Expensive compared to traditional surgery

  • Risk of internal injury or burning of cells

  • Change in body shape

  • Fluid Imbalance

  • Cell Infection

Different Types of Laser Liposuction:

Surgeon may suggest any of the below mentioned laser liposuction depending on the condition of the patient:

Vaser Lipo: This includes the use of ultrasonic technology rather than using laser technique on the fatty area.

Smart Liposuction: This technique helps in removing smaller amounts of fats. Here, lasers are used internally to complete the process faster.

Ultrasonic Lipo: This technique used by concentrated sound waves to break down the fat concentration.

Things to consider before laser liposuction surgery:

  • You must be 18+ years of age and should carry no health problem

  • Fat concentration should in specific body area

  • You must undergo certain diet and exercise regime

The cost of laser liposuction:

The cost of this laser liposuction procedure depends on the type of surgery you’re undergoing. A reputed surgeon will charge affordable fee for the surgery process. The price of the laser liposuction surgery also depends on the amount of fat your body has and the time and type needed to eliminate the same. Price also depends on the reputation of the clinic and the surgeon who will be treating you.


Undergoing laser liposuction surgery should be given due importance only if the condition is worsening and all other alternatives are failed.

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Your Teeth Are Your Biggest Reason to Smile

There are many reasons in life to smile, one of which would be your teeth.

That said not everyone has the best experiences when it comes to their teeth.

Through genetics, not taking care of their teeth, or quite frankly bad luck over the years (accidents, breaks etc.), many people discover it to be an uphill battle to have nice, healthy teeth.

As a result, they end up without the nicest of teeth, not to mention some rather lengthy financial bills when all is said and done.

So, how can you give your teeth the best chance at staying with you for many decades to come?


Dentist is Your Best Friend

First and foremost, family dental care should be a priority from a young age on up.

With the right care, individuals can enjoy their teeth for many years to come, along with keeping their dental bills to a minimum.

If you’re not sure what you have been doing wrong in trying to keep your teeth healthy, keep these items on your to-do list:

  • See a dentist regularly – While many people grew up with the routine of visiting the dentist every six months, others are lucky if they get there once a year (if that). In order to give your teeth a fighting chance, make sure to schedule regular dental visits (especially if you have children). Given that many insurance plans cover regular dental cleanings (sometimes prescribed X-rays too), there really is no reason to not see your dentist at least once a year. Your dentist can catch issues that you as the patient may not notice. From gingivitis to early forming cavities, your dentist can be your teeth’s best friend;
  • Brush regularly – You’ve probably had this ingrained in your head since childhood, but brushing regularly truly does give your teeth the opportunity to last you many years. Along with flossing regularly, brushing is important for a number of reasons, notably because it holds you over in between dental visits. If you do notice any discomfort and/or bleeding, it may not necessarily be a problem. Some people’s gums bleed due to sensitivity, while some of that bleeding can be due to the fact you are actually getting in to areas that need attention. If you are having regular bleeding, notice foul breath, and see that your gum lines are receding and/or spacing between your teeth is becoming an issue, seek dental care as soon as possible;
  • Avoid injuries – As tough as your teeth may be, they are susceptible to personal injury just as other parts of your body are. With that being the case, it is important to protect them as much as possible. If you play contact sports (especially children), be sure to wear a mouth-guard. Also be careful when eating foods that could easily break a tooth, things like hard candy, pretzels, nuts and more. If you do break a tooth or worse, seek medical help immediately;
  • Eat the right foods and avoid sugary drinks – If you have to eat sweets, by all means brush as soon as possible afterwards. Foods that are high in sugary content and/or sticky can damage teeth over time. The same applies for sugary drinks (notably sodas). If you must drink soda, sipping it through a straw is better, along with making sure you brush your teeth as soon as possible. Along with being bad for your stomach due to its acidic content, sodas can eat away at teeth’s enamel, not to mention leave stains over time. Lastly, talk to your dentist about drinks that will not be harmful to your teeth. Drinking water is best of all, especially right after consuming a Coke or Pepsi.

Keeping your teeth healthy doesn’t have to be a painful and expensive task in life.

By starting with regular dental visits at an early age, continuing through much of your adulthood, and watching what you eat and drink, your teeth can literally last you the rest of your life.

As for those individuals afraid to go to the dentist, just think of what life would be like with many of your teeth missing over time.

Yep, that’s not something to smile over.

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Is Your Home Ready for Summer?

Nothing can make your Home Ready for Summer quite like Adirondack chairs ... photo by CC user LRMoore on pixabay

Photo by CC user LRMoore on pixabay

With summertime just around the corner, is your home ready for some great parties and summer fun?

Getting your residence ready for all that summer has to offer may seem like a great chore, but it is really easier than you might think.

From the backyard to the inside of house, starting early on your summertime plans for having the home ready to go is the key.

So, are you ready to turn up the heat on getting your home ready for summer?

Go Room to Room

In order to have your place all set to go this summer, focus on these areas:

  1. Outside furniture – Since many people love to entertain guests outdoors during the summer, your patio, backyard, back porch etc. should all get their rightful attention. When working out back, give your patio a good scrubbing, especially if it was exposed to wintertime weather. For those living in warmer climates over the winter, a good cleaning works too, especially since dirt and bugs can gather over the winter months. If you left furniture out during winter (chairs, carved teak bench, hammock, tables, grill etc.), clean them up and make sure they survived the colder weather;

  2. Lawn and shrubs – If you haven’t given the lawn and shrubs much attention since last fall be sure they look their best when you’re ready to entertain. In colder environments, the lawn typically goes brown over the winter, so it may need some reseeding come spring. As for shrubs, bushes and other similar greens, these are typically rather hardy, even during wintertime. You may need to clean them up a bit with a good trimming. As for planting, getting plants in the ground as soon as the weather breaks will help you have a colorful display come summertime

  3. Kitchen – What many consider to be the epicenter of their homes, the kitchen typically needs attention 365 days a year. If you’re going to be entertaining guests this summer, make sure the kitchen is as clean as can be. Many of your guests will be in and out of the kitchen several times during any party. With that being the case, you want it clean and allowing plenty of room for guests to set out any food or drinks that they bring for a party. Cleanliness is also important simply for the visual impact. If guests see a kitchen with dirt on the floors, cobwebs on the ceiling, nasty little creatures running around, their appetites will quickly diminish

  4. Living room – Although the focus of your summer event may be outdoors, some guests will eventually plant themselves in your living room at some point, especially if it is too hot for comfort outside. Make sure you don’t have a mess on the floor, chairs etc. If you have kids, be sure they (or if need be you) have cleaned up their toys and other possessions

  5. Bathroom – This is a definite part of the home that some guests will be visiting. As with the kitchen, make sure your bathroom or bathrooms are as clean as can be. A dirty/messy bathroom will turn off some guests from possibly wanting to come back to your residence for another get-together

  6. Driveway – If your backyard area is small, you may opt to have some or all of your guests use your driveway as the central gathering place. If your driveway is full of divots or other cracks, think about getting it sealed in advance of a summer party. You don’t want guests stubbing their toes, tripping over cracks (see more below) in the driveway etc. Also make sure there is enough room for everyone to comfortably park without upsetting the neighbors

  7. Avoiding mishaps – Finally, be as sure as possible that your home is free of any potential areas where a guest or guests could injury themselves. The last thing you want during a fun event at your home is a personal injury. Even though you’d like to think your home is free of such potential accidents, someone who is injured in at your residence may end up seeking financial damages, especially if they suffer a bad fall or other injury.
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Did You Get All Your Proper Tax Deductions for 2015?

Whether people like to admit it or not, April 15 is a day that all too many Americans know in their heart to be ominous.

Yes, it is the day your taxes are due.

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A day synonymous with money normally wouldn’t be so bad, but countless individuals end up saying goodbye to some of their income, shipping it off for state and/or federal tax liabilities.

With that in mind, did you make sure this tax season that you got each and every deduction possible?

Knowing When You Need Help

For many individuals, getting each and every deduction they are entitled to sometimes is made more difficult than is necessary.

They may question a possible deduction, not recorded the needed information during the prior year to receive that deduction, or forgot altogether to note the item. As a result, they miss out on fair and legitimate deductions.

So that you can make sure you’ve found and received all your necessary deductions for 2015, keep the following in mind:

  • Home deductions – There are many deductions that can be made on your home, especially if you run a business out of your residence. Such deductions can include a portion of your home that you use as an office, Internet charges if you use your computer for work, your phone if part of your work requirements, mailings, home office supplies, and more. Homeowners that became new parents in this past year can get a new child credit, while both homeowners and renters can get deductions if they did work to the residence, especially if it involved a home-related business. With all the information available on the web, along with what a tax expert can provide you with, always look to find as many home deductions as possible;
  • Road deductions – If you use your vehicle for work-related travel, then make sure you are recording each and every usage when warranted. Okay, driving your car on your lunch break to the mini-mart for a soda doesn’t exactly qualify as a worthy deduction. That said you can and should record mileage to and from meetings with clients, mileage if driving to conferences and other networking events, mileage to pick up supplies etc. If you travel for work via airplanes, make sure to record your income spent on airfare, hotel stays, rental cars and the like;
  • Do I need help? – There may come a time (you might have already reached it) during your tax preparations that you will require help putting everything together. Even more importantly, there may arise that time when you need legal assistance to sort everything out regarding your returns. In such cases, finding a Rochester tax attorney (or one in your area) might prove necessary. Such attorneys (see more below) can help you in the event you are being audited and/or have other related tax disputes;
  • Finding the best legal representation – In locating the best legal representation for your case or cases, be sure to take the time to vet each and every attorney you consider doing business with. Look at how long they have in fact been in business, what kind of success to failure ratio they have, what other consumers have had to say about their work and more. The latter can typically be found by not only asking family, friends, and co-workers who they have turned to in need of such assistance, but also by turning to social media. Yes, some comments on social sites such as Facebook, Twitter and others can be very personal. If someone had a bad experience with legal representation they may take to social networking to vent about it. Others, meantime, may also turn to social media in order to praise an attorney and his or her team for assisting them with a tax dispute. Read each and every post with a grain of salt, knowing you are the one that ultimately has to decide if an attorney you are considering is in your best financial interests.

Tax time can certainly be taxing.

In order for you to put yourself in the best possible situation to emerge with a refund or at least break even, make sure you know all your legal deductions.

Lastly, should you be involved in a tax dispute, finding the best attorney to represent you will give you a fighting chance to win your case.

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How to Avoid Startup Failure

Despite the growing popularity of startups, small companies and independent businesses fail each and every year. While some companies fail due to product errors, a dip in the market, or, unfortunately, a particularly bad idea, many companies actually have the skills, product (or service), and passion to build a financially stable company.


However, there are key mistakes many startup owners make, unknowingly sealing their businesss fate. Before quitting your current job and opening the doors to your new business, make sure you have researched the venture adequately, and know to avoid these specific mistakes:

Hiring In-House for All Positions

Small businesses should avoid hiring in-house employees for all positions. When building a business, the beginning financial stages tend to fluctuate dramatically, and hiring too many employees on can lead to an unstable financial structure. Moreover, in todays economic business age, many businesses are downsizing marginally, using third party companies to outsource certain business tasks to, such as accounting, payroll, and other human resource positions.

Companies like National PEO work to provide small and large companies alike the ability to delegate tasks and work more efficiently by outsourcing. This is a smart business practice, as you are not only confident in the ability of the company, rather than relying on an employee, it also saves you a great deal of money.

Being Unprepared

Starting your own business will turn your life upside-down temporarily. First-time business owners are often not prepared for the upset running a company brings to their accustomed lifestyle, as they find themselves working more hours for less pay. This unexpected change can leave business owners feeling drained and overwhelmed, thus it is important to ensure that if you are going to start a business, you are prepared for the changes.

Thinking Your Product Is Your Business

Many people have a brilliant idea for a product or service, but they have absolutely no idea how to run a business. More often than not, they attempt to build their business around the product, but, unfortunately, that often leads to quick success but longterm failure.

While a product does solve a problem, providing customers with an answer to a need, it is not a stable foundation for a business, as it does not bring customers back to a business. There needs to be something deeper within the business than a product.

Ignoring the Market Research

Many people who believe they have a great idea often ignore the market research, especially if the research is telling them they need to change their business plan. Most first-time entrepreneurs are guilty of holding onto their idea and being resistant to change, as they are adamant that their idea will work.

There is nothing wrong with hanging onto an idea that you believe in, as it is critical to be passionate about your business if you want to be successful; however, when the market and experts are educating you on tweaking your idea, it is a wise idea to heed their advice. The results are usually astounding, as their expertise can provide you with the link you were missing before.

Expecting Overnight Success

Unfortunately, all businesses take a great deal of time to pick up momentum. Many new owners underestimate the amount of time it will actually take to sell a product, find clients, or, generally speaking, turn a profit. It can be easy to attribute the competition you are facing to getting lucky or having overnight success, but building a solid business takes time and dedication. Most overnight success stories are filled with financial woes, sleepless nights, and plenty of almost-failures, but they managed to overcome the problems and build a stable business. Thus, when starting a company, do not be surprised at the amount of time it takes for you to grow. Keep your head down, work hard, and visualize the future success.

Believing Money Solves All Problems

Many business owners are guilty of thinking that if they could just turn a profit, find financing, or make another sale, all their problems would be solved. While all of those thoughts might be helpful to the business, it will not solve all of the businesses problems. Throwing money at problems will never solve them, thus you need to fix the holes in your business model first.

These tips can help you avoid devastating mistakes that could lead to ultimate failure.

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The important role of the quality control supervisor

The quality control supervisor, often referred to as just QC, is the person tasked with monitoring production on an assembly line, and coordinating the activities of workers whose job it is to inspect materials and products to ensure they meet the standards set out by the company. Quality Control is an essential aspect of all manufacturing industries, be it clothing, electronics, food, fabricated plastic products, glassware, molded components, pharmaceuticals etc.


The QC supervisor’s exact duties vary from industry to industry, and from company to company, but usually include creating sketches of product prototypes and the standards required. They also include creating inspection procedures for new products, identifying the devices needed to complete these tasks, and supervision of workers. Once a sketch of a new product prototype is completed, it’s then distributed to the necessary departments, such as engineering, inspection workstations and production control.

Quality control will carry out inspections of products at each stage of the manufacturing process. To carry this out, QC supervisors will need to use various devices such as shadow compartors and gauges to measure the quality of each product tested. If defects are found, the product will be examined more closely to see if it can be rectified. If no remedy is available, the particular batch of products may be scrapped. In the case of prototype products, these will be scrutinized even more closely to ensure they meet the company’s standards.

One crucial, yet not always obvious, aspect of the QC supervisor’s job is customer service skills. QC supervisors are often tasked with satisfying customer’s needs or resolving their complaints, while at the same time maintaining good relations with them. In addition, QC supervisors often have to work closely with suppliers and subcontractors to ensure the materials, parts and outsourced work are received to the company’s satisfaction.

The minimum qualification for a quality control supervisor is a high school diploma in most countries. However, certain companies that have more stringent standard requirements may demand a higher education from their candidates. In particular, companies usually look for employees with strong communication and math skills. Other necessary skills include an extensive knowledge of assembly lines, machinery and the industry itself. In addition, QC supervisors must also be trained in the use of specific tools, computers and gauges that are required to test the company’s products and materials. Finally, quality control supervisors need to have a solid understanding of the company’s production processes, needs and requirements, health and safety standards, and also the products being manufactured.


In our perspective, production companies must always try to find ways to make systems easier. This is not to make the company more cost-efficient necessarily, but to keep their workers happy. If tasks are too physically and mentally strenuous, people will leave their jobs. ITO has more than 55 years in the industry making companies more streamlined, profitable, efficient, and most of all, people happy.

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Don’t Fall Victim to a Sexual Assault

Whether it is in the workplace or at home, sexual assault is a terrifying ordeal that no one wants to go through. That said it happens all too often to so many people.

One venue that should seem safe is college.


Unfortunately, some schools get bad grades when it comes to educating the public and preventing sexual assaults on campus.

For many victims (oftentimes women), recovering from a sexual assault can take a long time. In some cases, the recovery time can seem infinite.

With that in mind, what are some of the warning signs of sexual assault on campus and what can be done to prevent it?

Be Pro-active in Preventing Attacks

First and foremost, those sexually assaulted on college campuses should never feel like they brought the crime on themselves.

Yes, some activities on campus (especially excessive drinking) can put students in harm’s way, but that still does not legitimize someone being sexually assaulted. Whether it was one drink too many or the manner in which someone is acting and/or dressed, the bottom line is that sexual assault is never justified.

That having been said, here are some ways to be pro-active in lessening the chances of becoming a sexual assault victim, along with how to deal with the crime if you’re a victim:

  • Environment – Always be sure to put yourself in as safe an environment as possible. Sexual assault criminals look for individuals that they feel are “soft” targets. If you’re out partying, always use the buddy system, especially on the way home. That means not leaving a bar or other venue by yourself if you’ve had too much to drink (oftentimes, individuals feel like they’re capable of getting from one location to another after a few drinks). If you or your friends call a cab or other form of transportation for you, ride with a friend. Placing someone that has had too much partying in a cab etc. by themselves is not a 100 percent guarantee they will arrive home safely;
  • Aggression – If you’re at a venue on or off campus, be on the lookout for individuals that are too aggressive towards you or your friends. Aggression can be either verbal or physical, including unwanted advances, lude comments, asking for lots of personal information etc. If someone is being too aggressive towards you, let them know immediately that you want them to stop. In the event they continue such acts, report them to friends or security;
  • Assault – In a case where you feel you’ve been sexually assaulted (sometimes it is not immediately apparent if the victim is not aware of what is taking place or happened), seek help as soon as possible. Not only should you report the matter to authorities, but also look to get a sexual assault defense attorney on your side. Those that perpetrate sexual assault crimes oftentimes figure and/or hope the victim will not file charges. This can be due to a number of reasons, including not remembering all that happened, fear of retribution, embarrassment etc. Never feel like you did anything to warrant the crime against you;
  • Educate – In the event you have been sexually assaulted, use your experience to educate others. While you may feel it was your fault or you are scared of speaking out, know that you could help prevent the next attack. Oftentimes, such crimes go unreported, leaving the criminal or criminals to act out on others, this being a casual encounter or someone you have known for some time now.. If your experience can prevent one other person from going through a similar ordeal, educating others on the signs to look for of a possible attack are well worth it. Lastly, seek the support of others that have been victims. Joining sexual assault groups, talking with those that have had similar experiences, can be mentally rewarding, reminding you that there are others out there having gone through sexual assaults.

While it would be nice to live in a world where sexual assaults are not reality, the bottom line is they happen far too often.

Preventing yourself from becoming the next sexual assault victim is something you should not have to worry about, though the possibility is always there.

Don’t fall victim and become the next statistic.



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