Investing In a New House


Buying a new house is a major decision for anyone to make and it suffices to say that homebuyers really need to do their homework before deciding on a house to purchase.

Having said that, there are many advantages to owning property and investing in a new house is an excellent idea for most people, especially those who are looking to be financially secure in retirement. Here’s a quick look at the benefits of investing in a new house.

Why buy a new house?

There are many advantages to purchasing a new house over one that has been lived in. Moreover, as there are a number of fantastic house designs in the Aveling Homes range for homebuyers to select from, regardless of preference for a particular style, everyone is sure to find the house of their dreams in a location a commutable distance from the Perth CBD.

  • New homes attract better tenants. Homebuyers who are purchasing a house as an investment will find that new homes tend to attract better tenants, by which is meant tenants who will respect the property by taking care of it and residing there for years.
  • New homes offer stamp duty savings. Homebuyers can save tens of thousands of dollars by purchasing a new house and land package over a secondhand home, or even buying a plot of land and building on it.
  • New homes require little maintenance. Because the house is new and has been built to the most modern building standards, new houses are easy to maintain, offering homeowners minimal costs over the first five years when the property is covered by a builder’s warranty.

Additionally, new houses are available in a wide range of styles. As there is such a fantastic range of house design styles to select from, homebuyers investing in one of the new house and land packages in Perth will find that they may have their work cut out for them when making a selection. Whether it’s an ultra-modern design or something more traditional, yet still offering all the modern conveniences one would expect, homebuyers are spoiled for choice.

Depreciation and tax

Another advantage to purchasing a new home for those who are planning to rent their property to tenants is the opportunity to capitalise upon the forces of depreciation. In a new investment home purchased for $250,000 with fixtures totalling around 10% of that amount (approximately $25,000), around $15,000 in tax deductions can be created every year. That’s something for investors to think about when looking into their property buying options.

Important considerations

There are, of course, a number of important considerations that must be taken into account when purchasing a new house as an investment, including the location of the property, the infrastructure surrounding it (also take into account infrastructure planned for the area), and the fiscal health of the region. These are all very important considerations for investors.

Purchasing a new house and land package is an ideal option for property investors and there are many benefits to take advantage of when they purchase a suitable investment property.

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Tips to save big on your next trip

Eating big meals at lunch is one way to save big on your next trip
Photo by CC user tetrapak on Flickr

Planning your next holiday soon, but want to keep your costs under control? These tips will help you save big on your next trip.

1) Make use of coupon codes

While there are deals available on flights, accommodations, rental cars, and activities, there are ways to save even more money on these travel costs.

Before you book anything online, be sure to search for a coupon code for whichever site you are using. For example, if you are reserving a room in a resort, checking for Coupons is strongly advised, as any codes that you might find there will save you more money than you ever thought possible.

2) Fly during the middle of the week

The heaviest travel times during the week are on Fridays and Mondays, when business travelers and weekend warriors set out to their respective destinations.

As such, airlines elevate their fares on these days, as it makes sense for them to make hay while the sun shines. The mid-week period is much quieter, leading them to slash fares in a bid to attract more passengers.

Plan your holidays in order to capture these savings, and you will find yourself saving hundreds of dollars in airfare costs.

3) Splurge during lunch, be frugal at dinner

Restaurants make the most of their money at dinner. As such, they charge higher prices to diners for the final meal of the day. However, many of the same entrees served at dinner are also available at lunch, and they are priced economically in order to attract more business at this time of day.

As such, you should plan most of your extravagant meals then. By doing that and ordering more modestly priced mains at dinner, you’ll be able to make the most of the money that you spend on food.

4) Opt for a walking tour

Instead of enlisting the services of a guided tour while on holiday, you should seriously consider seeing the sights with a guidebook and your own two feet.

With plenty of background information available from tourism boards at most destinations, you can read up on the sights as you see them, allowing you to save money on what you would have paid for a tour bus and a guide.

Walking around is also a great way to get exercise, but if the thought of this makes your feet hurt, renting a bike to get around town will still allow you to see the area under your own power without placing undue pressure on your feet and joints.

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Ways to preserve your freedom as you get older

Getting a mobility scooter is one of the Ways to preserve your freedom as you get older
Photo by CC user Phasmatisnox on English Wikipedia

The aging of the human body is a time-tested reality, yet not everyone wishes to surrender their independence the second they begin to have trouble walking around the neighbourhood.

You needn’t resign yourself to spending your golden years confined to a nursing home if you begin to explore ways to preserve your freedom as you get older.

Here’s what you can do to stay as young as possible, even as your body aches begin to multiply.

1) Get a powered scooter

One of the main threats to your independence as you get older is a gradual loss of mobility. With every step becoming increasingly difficult, many seniors restrict themselves to their home, further increasing the rate of deterioration of their muscles and joints.

A mobility scooter can preserve your independence by making routine trips outside the home free from the anxiety that accompanied them before acquiring this useful vehicle.

2) Exercise regularly

While taking the pain out of walking around is an essential part of preserving your freedom in old age, you should also make the effort to exercise regularly.

The progress of many mobility impediments that are related to age-associated muscle deterioration can be slowed or even reversed by regular bouts of resistance exercise.

By contacting an exercise professional, you can design a program that will build and maintain healthy muscles and joints in areas related to mobility, allowing you to perform everyday tasks you’ll need to do in order to remain independent within your own home.

3) Retrofit your house with mobility aids

Nonetheless, the ravages of old age march on relentlessly with every passing year. As such, it is important to retrofit your home to protect yourself against the sudden losses of balance and strength that are part of getting older.

Grab bars should be installed in the bathrooms, as wet floors pose a particular risk if you are suffering from balance issues. As your leg strength diminishes, installing a stair lift should be seriously considered to mitigate the risk of a catastrophic fall.

4) Keep your mind as sharp as a tack

The integrity of your mental health is another area that needs to be addressed if you hope to remain in your home long term.

While you may be genetically predisposed to conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, there is evidence to suggest that you can stave off the development of these mental disorders by engaging in cognitive exercise on a regular basis.

Doing crossword or Sudoku puzzles daily is one way of accomplishing this, but we also strongly suggest engaging in mentally stimulating activities that have a social component.

Getting out of the house on a regular basis to play chess or cards with friends and/or strangers is a perfect way to stimulate the mind while feeding its desire for social contact at the same time.

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How to get a job in the legal profession

Learning How to get a job in the legal profession will get your career off the start you want and need
Photo by CC user 60588258@N00 on Flickr

While the legal profession offers some of the best-paying jobs out there, the education required to allow applicants to even compete for these positions is rather expensive.

For most, it is necessary to take out sizable student loans in order to pay for their law degree, leaving them with a considerable debt load.

As such, there is an urgency to get a job in the legal profession that every law school graduate feels, especially in today’s job market.

Below, we will share a few tips that will help these soon-to-be law graduates get a position in the legal profession as quickly as possible.

1) Consult law-centered recruitment agencies

The first thing that you should do when you are learning how to get a job in the legal profession is to get in touch with recruitment agencies that are focused on this sector of the economy.

When you work with a specialist law recruitment agency, they are able to take the education that you have acquired over the years and match it up with a firm that is looking for someone with the abilities that you possess.

The versatility of the internet these days makes working with these companies a no-brainer, so make this the first thing you do when you are looking for your first legal gig.

2) Be open to relocating for an available position

The labor market varies greatly from one part of the country to the other, so it may be worth your while to consider relocating outside of your home region.

Furthermore, there are many excellent opportunities available overseas, so don’t discount the possibility of becoming an expat in order to give your legal career the start you are looking for.

If the state of job listings in your area is too depressing to think about, figure out which parts of your home country or the world have thriving economies, and aggressively seek out an opportunity there.

3) Always be networking

This bit of advice is applicable to most fields, but it is especially true in the highly social legal world. If you make the effort to get to know as many people as you can in your local legal community, it is inevitable that you will make good friends with more than a few of them.

Even if these people aren’t decision makers, they will be able to recommend you to their superiors when they hear about a job opening within their firms.

When it comes to hiring people, referrals are often trusted above other indicators, as people making the referrals put their personal reputation on the line when it comes to recommending qualified candidates for an open position.

By being an affable, competent person at social gatherings, you will be doing 80% of the work required in order to be viewed as a good fit for any position.

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Make an Adult Decision on Apartment Rentals

 Creative Commons 3 - CC BY-SA 3.0 Creator: NY -



Renting an apartment is one of the more important decisions adults make during their lives.

Whether it is renting one apartment that they will live in for many years to come or renting apartments in what seemingly feels like every other year, it is imperative that one does their research before signing on the dotted line.

That said finding the right apartment doesn’t need to seem like pulling teeth, though the more time and effort you put into getting the right living arrangement the first time around, the less stress and headaches you will have moving forward.

So, are you ready to make an adult decision when it comes to apartment rentals?

Do Some Research to Get It Right

In order for you to make the right apartment search on your first go-around, remember a few important tidbits:

  • Research – For starters, do more than just drive around your community or one you are thinking of and/or planning to move to. Doing a drive-by is not going to allow you to have background information on an apartment community before ever stepping foot in the leasing office. By doing some research on the Internet (see more below) and/or talking to people you know live in certain apartment communities (family, friends, co-workers etc.), you will be better prepared;
  • Worldwide web – The Internet is a great place for you to learn various things about various apartment communities, so don’t pass it up. Whether looking at Lewis Apartments out west or others around the country, keep in mind that the majority of apartment communities have websites in today’s digital age. As a result, they can offer you myriad of information, information that will make it easier to decide if this community is truly right for you. Along with such information, you will find images of the different layouts available, not to mention the different amenities onsite. Lastly, turn to social media, a resource that also can provide you with valuable details. Whether they are current or former residents, it isn’t uncommon these days to see individuals talking about their apartment experiences on social networking sites. If you come across some bad reviews of a particular community, remember to take it with a grain of salt, though it is some information you shouldn’t simply gloss over. A rental company’s online reputation is one of its most important assets, so most will go out of their way to maintain a positive one. Lastly, use social media to communicate with other apartment residents as to what they think of the area neighborhoods where you might be considering taking on a rental. Locals (especially if you’re not familiar with the community) can provide you with valuable information as to any crime issues, how the schools are, what amenities are at the apartment community and nearby etc. Any added information you can have before going to visit an apartment community is a plus for you;
  • Newspapers and magazines – Although the Internet has grown tremendously over the years, there are a fair number of apartment communities still advertising their offerings in both local newspapers and property rental magazines. As a result, it would behoove you to pick up copies of such periodicals (especially the local Sunday newspaper for its apartment rental section). You should also keep an eye out for television commercials featuring area apartment communities. These give you a good view and insight into what they have to offer;
  • Paperwork – Finally, make sure you understand any and all paperwork prior to signing on the dotted line. The last thing you want (or need) is to get tied into an apartment rental arrangement that is not in your best interests over time. Most apartment communities are on the up-and-up, but still do all that is necessary to cover yourself. Make sure you get a copy of all paperwork (including those items with your signature on them). Also clearly understand the rules about if you want to break your lease early. Doing so will allow you to avoid early penalties etc.

No matter what your age may be, apartment rentals can be the right solution at the right time for you.

That is even truer when you do your research from day one.



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What to do if your vision worsens

Do you know what to do if your vision worsens?
Photo by CC user chsia on Flickr

It can be argued that sight is the most vital of the five senses. Your eyes enable you to see and take in the world, helping you to make sense of what is happening around you. Unfortunately, most of us tend to neglect them by failing to give them proper care. We assume that our eyesight will always be sharp and focused – until our vision begins to fail.

Part of taking care of your eyes involves being aware of and recognizing some of the potential eye problems you can experience. These can be caused by eye diseases, genetics, aging, injury, or other health conditions such as diabetes. Common eye problems you might encounter include blurred vision, blind spots, halos, and the inability to see or focus at certain distances. Some of these issues might clear up on their own, while others can be quite devastating, even leading to blindness. The most common eye problems that can result in significant vision change include:

  • Presbyopia – This refers to a difficulty in focusing on near objects. Aging causes it and it mostly affects people over 40 years.

  • Glaucoma – The elderly are at an increased risk of developing glaucoma. This disease is caused by a buildup of fluid inside the eyes resulting in increased pressure in the eyeballs. It can occur due to injury, diabetes. or aging.

  • Cataracts – These occur when the lenses of the eyes become cloudy. Cataracts are common in the elderly and can cause sensitivity to glare, poor nighttime vision, and halos around lights.

Looking after your eyes

Here is what to do if your vision worsens:

Wearing glasses or contact lenses

Available through prescription, these are useful for correcting short and long sightedness. There are a wide variety of glasses and contacts on the market so it is easy to find something that suits your taste.

Going for laser eye surgery

Popularly known as LASIK surgery, this refractive eye surgery can be used to correct near and farsightedness, cataracts, and even glaucoma. Laser eye surgery is a delicate procedure that has to be done by qualified practitioners. If you are in the Minneapolis area, feel free to contact LASIK Minneapolis eye care practitioners for further information on available procedures.

Getting regular eye checkups

It is recommended that you receive an eye checkup at least once every two years or more frequently as you get older. These checkups can bring potential eye problems to your attention to be dealt with before they become serious.

Proper nutrition

Good nutrition plays a major role in maintaining your vision. Antioxidants and vitamin A found in fruits and vegetables are good for your eyes, so it is a good idea to include these foods in your diet. You also need to watch your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels as all these can cause long-term damage to your eyes if left unchecked.

Remember that you only have one set of eyes. Take good care of them and they will serve you well throughout your life.

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Think Outside the Box for Interior Design Ideas

There are tons of Interior Design Ideas out there
Photo by CC user 829264 on Pixabay.

Whether you want to give your whole home a new look, or just makeover one room, this post is for you. Here we give you some ideas to help you to get the inspiration you need to make your home look its best.

Traditional sources for home decor ideas

We know from your comments that most of you love home design magazines. Despite the fact they are not cheap a lot of you clearly subscribe to them. They are a real joy to flick through. However, there is a problem, many of the ideas you find in those magazines just do not translate. Most of the homes in the articles are massive, so some of the features you fall in love with would look ridiculous if you tried to replicate them in your own home.

Other sources of inspiration

Fortunately, there are other places you can turn to for inspiration. For example, the web is full of websites like ours that feature posts that are designed to help you with home decor ideas.

Foreign home design websites

If you are looking for something a bit different, browsing foreign-based DIY websites is a great idea. Most include good quality photos, and if there is any text that you need translated, all you have to do is to copy and paste it into a translation programme like this one.


Show home interior design is usually ahead of the trend. For this reason, visiting local housing developments is a great way to get ideas for your own home. The fact that the properties you are looking at will have similar size rooms to those you have means that most of the ideas you see will work well in your rooms.


Another source of inspiration many people forget is films and TV shows. If you like modern homes, the latest episode of soaps, and sit-coms are great for giving you home decor ideas.

For those who want a period look, watching films from that era can be a fantastic way to get ideas. If you see something that you like all you need to do is to go online and do an image search for that film. Often you will be able to find a photo of the room you like, and be able to print it off and add it to your stylebook.

Of course, DIY and home makeover shows are also a good place to get decorating ideas. If you are considering making over your kitchen try watching a few of the latest cooking shows as well.

Your friend’s homes

If a friend of yours has a room in their house decorated, and offers to show you it. Take him or her up on the offer. Often you will be surprised by what they have done, and get some ideas that are likely to work well in your home too.

Next time you are ready to decorate your home, take the time to do some research, and use the resources above to get some great interior design ideas.

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How Best to Approach Your Exam Revision

Ah exams, the most important tests that we ever take, the opportunity to show off our knowledge and what we have learned during our studies, my friend JD Dukes was studying for his law degree, he was one of those strange people who loved exams and he told me that knowledge isn’t power, revision is power. I guess what he meant was that the only way you could amass knowledge and keep it stuck in your brain was through revision and I guess he was right. The point is that even though many of us hate exams and studying for them, revision is absolutely key to your performance in exams and here are some tips to help you get the best results possible.


Make a Great Plan

The best way to go about your revision is to make a timetable that you can follow, don’t be overly optimistic, plan 4-6 hours of revision each day and ramp it up to 6-8 hours the closer you are to your exams. You are always given enough time to revise and it is important that you use all of this time to revise gradually, don’t put it off until the end where you will end up cramming it all in the last few nights. That is not the best way to get great results.

Ensure That You Are Prepared

It is important to remember that during your revision time, your brain will naturally be looking to procrastinate, everything will look more exciting than doing revision and you need to avoid becoming distracted at all costs. One great way to avoid this is to ensure that you are fully prepared before you begin your revision with everything that you are gong to need, don’t give yourself an excuse to leave your desk, ensure you have pens, pencils, paper, calculators or whatever else you are going to need for your revision. Doing this will keep you at the desk and keep you focused on your revision.

Take Regular Breaks

People think that taking breaks during their revision is some kind of crime and that they should be dedicated to their revision for 12 hours straight, the truth is that this kind of revision is not going to help you. If you concentrate for long periods of time then your brain is going to stop absorbing information which will work directly against what you are trying to do. Taking a break every hour and a half for around 10 minutes will be great for your concentration, it gives you an opportunity to go to the bathroom or for a quick walk to refresh yourself. Ensure that you do only take 10 minutes, any more and your body will start to rest too much or you may find other, more exciting things to do than revision, and let’s be honest, there are a million things that you could find that will be more interesting than revision. Take breaks and stay focussed.

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Tips on Planning a House Extension

As life moves on so to does your housing requirements and when the time comes that you decide you need more space in the home you have several options in front of you. Sometimes it can be as simple as knocking down a wall in the home to create a larger room, sometimes you may need to opt to move house in order to have the space that you want and sometimes you should be considering an extension on your home in order to give your house the extra room that it needs. I recently extended my home to add 3 new rooms and with the expert help of Jon Bunge and his team, the extension looks perfect and achieved the results that I wanted. If you have been thinking about extending your home then here are some tips to help your planning process.


Ensure That You Have a Tight Budget

In order to decide on any parts of the extension you need to already have in place the amount of money that you are going to spend on your extension. It is important that you consider how much money you have to spend on the extension rather than working on how much money you will need to find for the extension that you want. There are many different construction and planning costs involved and you need to be fully prepared to pay what you can for this as opposed for looking at a carte-blanche style approach to extending your home which can leave you in debt or financial difficulties.

Talk With Your Neighbors

It is important that during this time you have a strong relationship with your neighbors as you are going to need their support and patience. Not only will they have something new to look at when they stare out of the window (your extension could block their view,) but also there will be a lot of upheaval in your street as construction vehicles come and go and building materials adorn the street. Get your neighbors on board and create an open dialogue with them so that if any problems should arise, they can talk to you directly.

Make Sure That All Planning Has Been Passed

I’ve heard some terrible stories over the years of those who invested in their extension, got their construction team in place, made down payments on supplies and then failed to get their planning passed by local government. To avoid making such financial errors as these it is vital that you seek to get all aspects of your planning permission passed long before you part with any money. There is nothing wrong with having your construction team in place and a list of the exact materials that you will need for your extension whilst your planning application is being submitted. There is a huge difference however between being prepared for your extension in this way, and actually starting it before it has all been approved.

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Tips on Getting a Great Deal on Commercial Real Estate

Getting involved in real estate investment can give you a great opportunity to make money, in particular within commercial real estate, an area of real estate that is often overlooked. Sometimes the scale of the project puts people off investing in commercial real estate or sometime the amount of money that is attached to it, the rewards however can often be far bigger than with residential properties. If commercial real estate is something that interests you then here are some ways that you can get a great deal on your next property.


Use a Broker

Many people dismiss the idea of using a broker due to the costs attached but the benefits of using one far outweigh the negatives, especially if you are new to the game. I began investing around 3 years ago and use The Welfont Group, they have not only negotiated some excellent deals for me in the past but found property when I wanted it, managed my investments and more importantly, helped me to make a considerable amount of money. The cost of paying a broker is well worth it, they are the geniuses of the industry who have insider knowledge and who will watch your back when it comes to your assets.

Learn All That You Can

Even if you opt to use a broker, it is imperative that you learn all that you can about the commercial real estate industry and in particular the way in which it operates differently from residential real estate. Before I made my first investment into commercial real estate I read as many books, magazines and websites as I could for around a year. My idea was that if I was going to part with so much money then I simply had to know everything about the industry in which I was putting it into and you should do the same, that way nobody can pull the wool over your eyes.

Don’t Discount Run Down Properties

Very often people completely discount the idea of a property that is simply in need of some TLC, this gives you a great opportunity to snag a bargain. Naturally there are some buildings that are more trouble than they are worth but at the same time there are many that, with a little investment and hard work can turn you a great profit. Much of the time the owners of these properties simply want to get them off their hands so will accept a low offer and, providing you have a team in place to renovate the property, you can make great profits from these buildings. If you do see a dilapidated property then contract someone in the know to look it over for you, often there can be problems that the untrained eye can’t see and the last thing that you want is to buy a property that simply can’t be saved. The cost of paying a professional to the view the property beforehand will pale in comparison to investing on a property that requires large-scale renovation work.

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