Thinking of filing for bankruptcy? Here’s what you need to know…

Thinking of filing for bankruptcy? There may be another way (or not)
Photo by CC user geralt on Pixabay

In debt up to your eyeballs? If you can’t even come up with enough money to cover your monthly minimums, you might have to file for bankruptcy through a firm like Olympia Law PC.

However, the process of defaulting on your financial obligations is no simple matter. Below, we’ll discuss what you need to know before filing for bankruptcy.

You may not even need to file for bankruptcy

Virtually all people that consider filing for bankruptcy are in a mental space of overwhelm when it comes to dealing with their debts.

They think that their income will never be sufficient enough to repay the loans they hold, so they think that waving the white flag is the only option available to them.

However, by doing things like changing your mindset and negotiating a lower interest rate from your creditors, a situation that might have seemed unmanageable at first glance can become resolvable over a period of time.

Given the destructive effects that bankruptcy can have on your credit rating, opting for a protracted repayment plan (even if it takes years) is the preferable option.

Can I file for bankruptcy?

Even if you have a desire to file for bankruptcy, there might be legal roadblocks that may prevent you from doing that.

The most basic test that you must pass to file for bankruptcy is that you must owe more than $1,000, and lack the ability to make payments on that debt when it is due (i.e. you are insolvent).

However, it gets more complicated than that, as there are certain types of debt that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

If you owe alimony, child support, student loans (if you are less than seven years removed from graduation), legal fines, or if your debt came about due to illegal activity, you will not be able to make these obligations go away by filing for bankruptcy.

Additionally, secured loans such as mortgages and car loans may not be able to be discharged, although you might be able to renegotiate payment terms with your creditors to better fit your financial situation.
If you hold unsecured debt through credit cards, pay day loans, etc though, you may be able to get these debts dismissed or restructured through bankruptcy proceedings.

If you do, pick a trustee dedicated to your cause

Your creditors will do everything they can to limit the damage caused by your default, so it is important that you have competent representation throughout the entire bankruptcy process.

They are responsible for drawing up the paperwork, negotiating an amenable settlement with the parties to which you owe money, and to provide you with expert advice on how you should manage your finances going forward into the future.

By choosing one who executes their duties professionally, this stressful process can proceed smoother and with better outcomes for you and your family.

You have duties during this process: fulfill them

Declaring bankruptcy isn’t as simple as hiring a trustee and calling it a day. You have important duties to carry out before the process can proceed to its conclusion.

Generally, you must provide them with proof of your monthly income each month, attend credit counseling sessions, and pay any surplus income to your trustee during the time you are in bankruptcy, among other responsibilities.

Know that you’ll have a long road back to respectability after discharge

Even after you’ve eliminated your debts, your life won’t be easy after emerging from bankruptcy. The fact that you opted to default on what you owed will act as an anchor on your credit score for as long as seven years, plunging it anywhere between 160 to 220 points from wherever it was before you declared insolvency.

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How to become a pro cyclist

Wondering how to become a pro cyclist? This post lays it out for you
Photo by CC user Flowizm on Flickr

Love the feeling you get from riding your bike around your local area? Want to make it into a career like British rider Joshua Hunt has? It’s not an easy path, but by following the steps below, you’ll give yourself the chance to see if you have what it takes to make it happen.

1) Train hard (almost) every day

If you wish to compete at elite levels in cycling, you will have to adopt a professional attitude towards physical training.

This doesn’t just mean finding the time to ride your bike everyday, but it also means taking part in regular resistance training sessions to build up strength in your core and lower body.

To give yourself the fuel you’ll need to power yourself through all these physical activity, you will also need to pay close attention to your diet as well.

Avoid junk carbs, and seek out a diet rich in complex carbs, protein and vegetables. Race days are an exception to this ban on simple carb consumption, as you will need plenty of quick fuel to power your way to victory.

2) Join a cycling club in your area

After you have improved your fitness to the point where you can withstand long rides with little difficulty, go ahead and join a cycling club in your area.

Doing so will not only give you people to compare yourself against, but it will also provide you with fellowship that you won’t be able to find riding around town on your own.

With your new-found friends, you’ll be able to motivate them, and they will do the same when you go out on rides together.

3) Get a personal coach

As much as riding regularly with a bunch of cycling enthusiasts will help you fine tune your technique, there is no substitute for hiring your own personal coach if you want to become a professional cyclist.

Under the close supervision of an expert, you will gain insights into your form that amateurs rarely pick up on. By incorporating their suggestions into your game plan, you will get the edge that is needed to break into professional riding.

4) Find a job that is compatible with cycling

Unlike major pro sports, only a handful of pro cyclists makes enough money from racing to make it their career. The rest of the field holds down real world jobs when they aren’t racing in order to make ends meet.

As such, you will need an employer that will allow you to schedule work around your events and training sessions. While this is easier said than done, there are semi-pro athletes are doing this as we speak, so it is possible.

5) Enter local races

Now that you have secured a job that allows you to pursue your dreams part-time, the time has come to dip your toe into the pro racing pool.

Find a local race that offers cash prizes for the top finishers and buy in. Now that you have skin in the game, train hard and prepare yourself for the biggest race in your life to date. You are now a pro cyclist!

6) Seek out sponsorships

As you progress in skill, you may find yourself wanting to compete in races with bigger prize pools. However, lacking the ability to pay these entry fees up front is a common obstacle for racers that are looking to move up.

By securing sponsorships, you can solicit financial assistance from businesses that are looking to get their brand more exposure.

Use this money to compete in bigger races, and you’ll get the opportunity to move further up the pro-cycling ladder.

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Biomedical engineering: is it for you?

Is Biomedical engineering for you?
Photo by CC user ucdaviscoe on Flickr

While some professions have stagnated or declined in recent decades, there is no slowdown in the demand for biomedical engineers.

Professionals such as Akash Monpara know this all too well, as he and his colleagues enjoy above average pay, meaningful work, and bright prospects for the future.

Is biomedical engineering for you? This article will explore this field in detail, from the work they do to academic requirements and income prospects.

What is biomedical engineering?

Biomedical engineering occupies the space between engineering and medicine. Professionals in this field take common engineering principles and apply them to solve problems in health care and biology-centered professions.

Where do biomedical engineers work?

There are many different work environments where you will find biomedical engineers. While you will find most in hospitals and in biomedical research facilities, they can also be found in manufacturing plants (e.g. where prostheses are assembled), government departments, universities, and working as freelance consultants.

How much do they make?

Given their status as subject matter experts in an industry that is experiencing medium to long-term growth, biomedical engineers command a healthy salary.

The median earnings for this field was $86,220 in 2015, meaning that half of all engineers earned more than this figure and half earned less.

The top 10% of engineers in this field took home $139,520 that year, which indicates a great deal of long-term upside in this profession.

Which courses will I be taking?

When you go to college to become a biomedical engineer, there are a specific series of courses that you will need if you want to have success in this field.

Be sure to seek out schools that offer a specifically tailored degree in biomedical engineering, as many employers seek out candidates with this exact academic credential when they have an opening.

If you are still in high school, focus on science (biology, chemistry, physics) and mathematics prior to applying to colleges with biomedical engineering programs.

When beginning your undergraduate career, you will take courses in organic and biochemistry, mechanics, molecular biology, electronic circuits, and genetics as part of your mandatory core courses.

If you are taking your Masters, expect to take on topic areas such as biomedical instrumentation, neuroengineering, or nanotechnology when you are in pursuit of your thesis.

Will biomedical engineers be in demand in the future?

There are a pair of factors that are driving the demand in the biomedical field: the continued aging of the population, and the movement of high technology into medicine.

As boomers age, this population cohort is clamoring for solutions to the reductions in mobility that they are suffering.

At the same time, the Big Data revolution and work on decoding the human genome has made it profitable for technology companies to move into the healthcare sector.

With loads of actionable data that wasn’t there five years ago, there is an opening for biomedical engineers to offer their expertise. The stats bear this out, as it is expected that there will be a 23% increase in the number of jobs over the net decade.

This rate of growth is much faster than other professions, making this a great field for ambitious, scientifically-minded individuals.

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Preparing to Conceive – Some Things to Consider

When Preparing to Conceive, there are things you should know
Photo by CC user JenniferBayers on Pixabay

Deciding that you are ready to start a family is a big decision, and like any other life-altering decision, preparing is very important. Often, pregnancy doesn’t occur easily or right away, and after a year of trying to conceive you might want consult a reproductive expert like Dr. Kwang Yul Cha. However, even for couples with no fertility issues, some preparation can be helpful to ensure that conception happens without too much time or stress!

Know the Odds

One of the things can make it harder to conceive is stress about not conceiving. Take some of that stress off your shoulders by having a realistic idea about your odds of conceiving. This will be based on a woman’s age more than anything else – there is no question that fertility decreases with age, and after 30 the odds begin to go down. After 40, the odds of conceiving without intervention fall very quickly. If you have been on birth control medication, it is possible to conceive immediately upon stopping, but it might take a bit of time before normal ovulation resumes.

Get Your Timing Sorted Out, Within Reason

Especially as you get older and conception odds begin to fall, it is important to understand when chances of conception are highest. This involves paying attention to the menstrual cycle, and more particularly, learning to recognize the 1-2 window of opportunity before ovulation when the odds of conception are the highest. Ovulation tests are easily available that can help. At the same time, don’t get too hung up on dates or windows – not only does this create the possibility that sex becomes a stressful chore (with implications potentially for your relationship and for your chances of conception) but it also potentially closes a window of opportunity if the cycle is off by a few days.

Get Healthy

Preparing for conception should involve giving up habits that make that less likely, or that cause stress. Now is the time to quit drinking and smoking, and to pay attention to pre-natal health. Not only are these habits dangerous during pregnancy, but they can also reduce your fertility. Now is also a good time to reduce your intake of caffeine which can trigger miscarriages. Be sure you are getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients (especially folic acid) to support a healthy pregnancy before you come pregnant. Try to maintain active habits and a healthy weight. Get lots of sleep.

Talk with your Partner

Sometimes, we can be surprised by differences of opinion with our partners over things like how to parent, or what religion to raise a child within, or whether breastfeeding or staying home from work is equally important to both. These things will eventually get worked out, but it is ideal if this happens before a pregnancy rather than during or after. Worry about these issues, or money, or parenting anxiety even before a baby is on the way can cause the very stress that can make conception more difficult.

Preparing to start a family, especially if you are trying for your first child, can be an exhilarating and stressful time. Above all, be patient and kind to yourself and with each, and increase your odds of conceiving naturally with a bit of advance preparation.

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Things to Look for When Choosing a Mechanic

What are the Things to Look for When Choosing a Mechanic?
Photo by CC user Interiot on English Wikipedia

Few things in life are guaranteed beyond death and taxes – and one of those things is that if you own a car, you will eventually need to find a good mechanic. Finding a good a mechanic shouldn’t left to luck. There are some things that you can ask to help you narrow your search for a qualified mechanic that you can trust in a reliable shop. Honda owners can check out Omega Auto Care, but no matter what kind of car you drive, these tips can help you find the right mechanic for you.

Is the mechanic certified?

This is the most obvious way to know if a mechanic is qualified. There are number of certifications that a mechanic can hold, including manufacturer’s certifications which confirm a mechanic’s ability to work on a particular make of car. Mechanics may also be certified by the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). ASE certification means that a mechanic has been tested for knowledge and skills, and also has the required amount of experience. It is important to bear in mind that individuals rather than shops receive ASE certification, and so you will need to ask about the credentials of the particular mechanic who will be working on your car.

Does the shop have reputable affiliations?

Look for a sign indicating that the shop you are considering is AAA Approved Auto Repair (AAR) affiliated. These shops are monitored for the quality of their service, and must use only certified mechanics. If you are not able to identify beforehand who will be working on your car, you will at least be sure that the mechanic will be certified if the shop has an AAR affiliation.

Does the mechanic take the time to explain things?

Especially if you are not familiar with the inner workings of your car, it can be overwhelming to sort through a lot of technical jargon as the mechanic explains what is wrong with your car and what it will take to fix. A good mechanic will be a good communicator, and will take the time required to make sure that you understand the details of your situation, and will answer questions to your satisfaction.

Does the mechanic have a good reputation?

Knowing that a mechanic is certified and works in a reputable shop provides a basic degree of assurance that the mechanic has the skills necessary to expertly service your car. However, there is more to being a good mechanic than simply knowing your way around a car. You want to know that a mechanic is honest and reliable, that the quotes are going to be accurate, and that the work will be completed on time. You also want to know that your mechanic is a good communicator, and a fast diagnostician. These sorts of qualities are harder to evaluate without references, and it is always a good idea to check those references. But in the end, you should be sure to talk with your mechanic and go with your gut – if you don’t get a positive feeling from that conversation, then move on.

A car is a big investment, and the last thing you want to do is entrust it to just any mechanic. Make sure you take the time to properly research the mechanics in your area to make sure that your investment is in the right hands!

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Why Should We Care About High Oil Prices?

Why Should We Care About High Oil Prices?
Photo by CC user skeeze on Pixabay.

As any expert in the oil gas industry like Cody Winters can explain, there are many reasons why consumers should care about the price of oil. Even if you ride your bike everywhere and heat your home with solar panels, you are affected by the price of oil, even if you are not aware of it. Here are some of the main ways that high oil prices affect us all.

Oil Prices Impact Us Directly

This is basically a reference to the shock that we get at the pump when we fill up. For many of us, eliminating our use of cars for transportation is not an option – we can try to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels by carpooling, using public transit, planning trips more efficiently, and eventually perhaps shifting to an electric car. However, for most of us there is a limit to far we can reduce the use of our cars and for that reason, after a certain point we cannot escape the immediate effect on our wallets every time we fill up.

Oil Prices Impact Us Indirectly

The same pinch that we feel at the pump is shared by every producer in every industry. The costs of moving finished products to the consumer and the price of moving inputs to the production site, whether by air, sea or road, will be passed onto consumers in the form of higher prices.

Economic Growth Suffers

With high costs of oil, there are spill-overs into economy as a whole. Larger portions of consumers’ budgets are taken up by increased prices on goods, and increased direct costs of transportation and heating. This leaves a smaller portion of disposable income available for discretionary spending. As consumer spending goes down, businesses begin to struggle. Larger production costs mean that to a point businesses will need to raise prices for consumers to break even. However, if consumers have reduced resources as well, it is not long before spending grinds to a halt.

Innovation Suffers

On one level, high prices for oil can spur investment in new technologies or more efficient processes to compensation for the increased cost of oil. However, in the short to medium term, the research and development budgets of companies will be eaten up by increased costs of doing business, leaving less for innovation.

Government Finances Take a Huge Hit

Although prices of a whole range of goods increases, there is downward pressure on wages as businesses begin to feel the pinch of reduced spending. This vicious cycle hits government directly in the form of demands for increased social spending in the form of subsidies and unemployment assistance. At the same, the government’s largest sources of income – direct taxes (in the form of personal and corporate income taxes) and indirect taxes (in the form of taxes on the sale of goods and services) – begins to decline.

Of course, the story is not all about doom and gloom. High oil prices can also attract heavy investment which might not be attractive at lower prices, and this in turn can fuel both innovation and energy security in the long run.

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The Benefits of Providing Work-Place Benefits

The Benefits of Providing Work-Place Benefits like child care pay for themselves
Photo by CC user R. K. Singam on English Wikipedia

More and more, it is becoming accepted that there many benefits for employers that come with providing health and other work-place benefits to their employees. For professional insights on the related accounting issues, it is important to speak to a certified public accountant like Heather Weber. In the meantime, here are some of the most important advantages that come with providing benefits to employees.

Healthy Employees Miss Fewer Days

This is an obvious point, but a very important one. Healthy employees are less likely to miss a day at work and employees are more likely to stay healthy when they have regular access to medical services. This applies not only to seasonable cases of the flu – regular medical checkups also make it more likely that debilitating or long-term illnesses will be caught when they are treatable, thus reducing the likelihood that employees will need to take extended medical or disabilities leave. Moreover, even healthy employees may need to miss work in order to care for sick children or spouses. The advantages of providing extended family benefits are clear in this case.

Healthy Employees are More Productive

If employees feel well both mentally and physically, they will be able to dedicate their complete attention to their tasks. This applies to physical as well as mental health – in fact, mental health issues are one of the greatest causes of workplace underperformance.

Employee Morale

When employees know that they are working in a culture that supports them in their healthcare needs, they are more likely to demonstrate high levels of morale and loyalty. Team-work and mutual respect between employers and employees increases as well; employees are not forced into over-work situations to cover absence colleagues, which reduces workplace stress. The provision of extended benefits for families is another key to improving moral.

Public Relations

There is no shortage of good press that comes from being seen as a good corporate citizen. Moreover, as you develop a positive image as a good employer, the best and brightest young people will want to join your company – and those who are already there will want to stay.

There are many schemes and options available to businesses to help them balance these benefits (and others) against the costs. Employers will need to consider whether they provide medical only or whether they will also provide dental and vision benefits. Various ancillary benefits, including life insurance and employee-assistance programs to support mental health or substance abuse counseling can also be considered. Employers will also need to consider their options with respect to cost-sharing. All of these decisions should be explored with a professional accountant with expertise in this area to make sure that you are reaping the best benefits for your company while providing the best benefits to your employees.

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How To Be Sure Your Boss Won’t Regret Promoting You

Do you know How To Be Sure Your Boss Won’t Regret Promoting You?
Photo by CC user Tookapic on Pexels.

As experienced managers like George Bardwil can tell you, if you have been promoted in your job to management, it means that your boss has a lot of confidence in you. This isn’t a decision that your boss took lightly, and you can be sure that there was a lot of discussion about you, and about your ability to take on the responsibilities of your new position. Here are some things to keep in mind so that no one regrets that decision.

Be a positive role model

The chances are that you can probably recall times when your past behavior was less than managerial. Moments of complaining about the boss, of leaving work early, of gossiping about co-workers. Everyone has these moments – but as a new manager, you are no longer allowed to indulge. To be clear, you will probably hear and see the same sorts of things among management as well, but as a new member of the management team, your job is to appear professional and impersonal at all times. Bring your A game and nothing less.

Redefine your relationships

In the same way as your former manager will have to redefine their relationship with you as a new member of the management team, you will need to redefine your relationships with your former peers. A conversation, no matter how awkward, needs to happen with your former office mates pretty much right away. Depending on how close you were, you many need to have an explicit understanding that friendships need to be kept outside of the office. Similarly, you should try to establish a new normal with anyone that you did not have a great relationship with previously – your job now is to manage the entire team, and you must reassure everyone that their contributions and participation are welcome and valued.

Focus on the big picture

As a member of the management team, your priorities and responsibilities have widened and you cannot afford to let loyalties to your old department or colleagues cloud your judgement or complicate decisions that need to be made with the well-being of the entire company in mind. Your first job as a new manager is to be sure that you are informed about the priorities of the company as a whole, and to work with the people you are supervising to achieve those goals.

Seek inspiration and knowledge

Find out if there is a mentoring program for new managers and if there is, be sure to take part. Learning from people who have gone before you is a great way to gain insight and understanding of the challenges you are about to face. Make sure that you understand your new boss’ priorities and work to help him or her achieve those. Learn about the company from your new perspective. If there are workshops or seminars, take them. If there are meetings that you can attend, be there. If there are manuals and policies, read them. And if there are personnel files, review them so that you have a new perspective of the strengths and skills of the team you are managing.

Taking on new responsibilities in your business means lots of work and dedication – just remember that you were promoted because your boss has faith in you, and you can rise to the challenge!

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Best Big Screen Reboots in 2017

The Power Rangers movie will be among the Best Big Screen Reboots in 2017
Photo by CC user lizswezey2 on Flickr

Movie fans like David Berkowitz Chicago agree that this is going to be a great year for reboots! Look for some of your favorites from the small screen to make their debuts at the cinema in the coming, and for some great novels to be adapted to reach new audiences. Check out some of our favorites:

Beauty and the Beast

After the success of live action adaptations like The Jungle Book, Alice and Wonderland and Maleficent, this animated classic is redone, starring Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens and The Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston and Ewan McGregor as Lumière.

Alien Covenant

Starring Michael Fassbender Noomi Rapace, Billy Crudup, Katherine Watterston and Danny McBride, this sequel to the prequel reboot of the Alien series, picks up after the events of Prometheus. It follows the story of a new colony ship, the Covenant, which stumbles upon the only survivor of the Prometheus expedition – a synthetic named David (Michael Fassbender).

Power Rangers

This is the third Power Rangers movie, but it is being touted as a reimagining of the originals. The film explores how five teenagers – Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Jason – are transformed into the Power Rangers, determined to save the world from an alien invasion. The young stars will surely become household names, joined by some favorites, including Bryan Cranston as the Power Rangers’ mentor and Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa, the alien leader.

Smurfs: the Lost Village

Gargamel, Smurfette, Brainy and the other Smurfs set off on a new adventure in this computer animated retake on the comic book series. Starring Demi Lovato, Mandy Patinkin, Joe Manganiello and Rainn Wilson, this story follows the gang off an an adventure through the Forbidden forest in search of a lost village.

War for the Planet of the Apes

Starring Andy Serkis as Caesar, Judy Greer as Cornelia, and Karin Konoval as Maurice, his sequel to the reboot prequel of the original Planet of the Apes films continues to explore the rise of the apes and mankind’s downfall. Following the events of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the film follows Ape-leader Caesar in his battle with humanity. Starring Andy Serkis as Caesar, Judy Greer as Cornelia, and Karin Konoval as Maurice.

Wonder Woman

Gad Gadot puts on the star-spangled short-shorts after some casting controversy – you are sure to enjoy this reboot of the TV classic about an Amazon princess and warrior determined to stop war in world beyond her island.

The Mummy

Tom Cruise stars in this reboot of the original Mummy trilogy with Brendan Fraser. This entertaining story is said to be completely separate from the original version, based on a new interpretation of the backstory – it revolves around an ancient queen who awakes in the present day looking to settle old scores. Also stars Annabelle Wallis, Sofia Boutella and Russell Crowe.

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Top Tips to Help You Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is no easy feat, it is not just the addiction to nicotine that is tough to get past but also the addiction to the habit itself and the way you live your life depending on your smoking habits. The fact of the matter is that smoking cigarettes is incredibly harmful to your health, the links to cancers, emphysema and countless other smoking related diseases is simply to dangerous for you to risk.


Making the decision to quit smoking is the first tough step on your road to a healthier life and once you’ve made this choice then you are going to need to be strong to kick the habit. To help you get over your smoking addiction, here are some tips to help you out.

Consider Vaping

Vaping has become a popular choice for those who are not yet ready to quit smoking but want to be able to do so in a much healthier and risk-free way. Vaping is the inhalation of water vapor which contains nicotine, it recreates the act of smoking and keeps the body topped up with harmless, albeit addictive, nicotine. There are lots of vape kits available on the market in varying styles and flavors for you to enjoy and it is a great option for those looking to quit cigarettes without missing out on the practice or sensation that smoking gives them.

First Steps

Using things like nicotine patches and tablets are a great way to kick start your new smoke free life. The patches are to be used after you have stopped smoking, they slowly give the body nicotine and gradually reduce the nicotine that your body needs, this is a great way to wean yourself off nicotine without giving the body too much of a shock. Tablets like Champix are relatively new to the quit smoking market but can offer a great way for people to get over the first few months of quitting smoking. The tablets are taken whilst still smoking and then you continue with the tablets after you’ve quit, they train your brain to find everything to do with smoking repulsive including the flavor.

Replace the Habit

It isn’t just the chemical addiction that your body has to overcome but also the physical addiction that your hands and mouth will have. There are great ways to get over this, for hands you can use a little stress ball or something like that which will keep them busy and stop you from thinking about cigarettes. Many people replace the oral fixation with food, whilst this serves well to replace cigarettes, it can also come with the possibility of weight gain, something that can cause further health problems. The best idea is to use fruit and veg, take some chopped up produce in a box to work with you which you can chomp on throughout the day, this will help replace the oral fixation and ensure that you aren’t gaining the pounds whilst you give up your smoking habit.

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