Landscaping Your Business Premises


One of the biggest expenses you face as a business owner is the cost of running your work premises. Unfortunately, most firms simply cannot avoid this expense; they cannot operate successfully without a base to work from.

The fact that keeping the lights on, and these premises ticking over, costs so much means that many firms tend to cut corners on things like landscaping. Whilst doing so is understandable, this is not usually a wise approach.

Why invest in landscaping

It normally works out to be a false economy. You need to bear in mind that the way your business premises look say a lot about the type of company you are running.

If a potential customer visits your offices, factory or warehouse, and sees you operating out of shoddy, poorly kept business premises they are not going to be impressed. In business, appearances matter, so it really is worth your while to landscape the area around your buildings.

Keep it simple

Fortunately, landscaping does not have to be complex, and you do not necessarily have to spend a fortune. It is enough to smooth out the land around your premises and cover it with lawn, gravel or paving. Once down, you just need to be careful to maintain it properly, which should be easy to do if you avoid the temptation to lay our flower beds and buy big trees.

Keeping everyone safe and organised

You also need to make sure that the area around your office, factory or warehouse is laid out in an organised fashion. You can invest in customised signs like the ones you can buy from and deploy them to control the flow of pedestrians and traffic. Doing this will help to keep everybody organised and safe.

It is important to provide enough parking for your workers and visitors. This area needs to be planned and aid out well. You should also consider lighting it at night. In the colder months, you may need to grit the car park to keep it ice free, and reduce the chances of someone having an accident at your premises.

Make your premises more secure

When deciding how to lay out the space outside of your business premises it is important to consider security. Unfortunately, thieves regularly target commercial premises, so this is an increasingly important consideration. It is well worth putting a fence around your land and setting up cameras to monitor the perimeter. Doing so will make it far easier for your security staff to control who enters your premises, and what areas of your property they can gain access to.

Brand your business premises

You need to bear in mind that the properties that you operate out of are part of your brand. It is important to invest in a good quality sign that incorporates your company colours and fonts. Doing so boosts your brand and ensures that people recognise the fact that the premises belong to your firm. You can read more about branding your business premises, here.






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What Makes Anura Leslie Perera Tick

Different people have different reasons and motivation to explain and justify the things they do. The same can be said about successful businessman Anura Perera Raycom. The man is not happy to simply just sit on his laurels now that he has achieved so much professional success. Indeed, his situation makes him even more motivated to have a happy, healthy, balanced life which includes helping those people who are less unfortunate than him.

The Many Professional Successes of Anura Leslie Perera

Anura Leslie Perera was born in Colombo, the capital city of the tropical island Sri Lanka. He first tried his hand on business by moving across the world to as far away as Africa. In Zambia, he dabbled in engineering and sales for Caterpillar Inc., the heavy equipment manufacturer before switching to aerospace engineering. He is now the chairman of Raycom Aerospace Pte Ltd., a Singaporean aerospace manufacturer. Additionally, Anura Leslie Perera also does training workshops and seminars on business development for the Raycom Aerospace in the Middle East and various other locations. Recently, he facilitated the signing of an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between Raycom Aerospace and the Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) to improve the infrastructure of the Al Ain aerospace cluster.

Anura Leslie Perera’s Humanitarian Efforts


After achieving so much success in his professional life, Anura Leslie Perera is now regularly doing charity work to help those in need. Through the George Phylnormel Foundation, he was able to raise enough money to fund the construction of the Nairobi Buddhist Temple and dedicated it to the memory of Mr. George and Mrs. Normal Perera. The Theravada Buddhist temple busies itself with helping victims of natural disasters like the earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal, the Philippine typhoon and the Asian tsunami. The Nairobi Buddhist Temple also supports the survivors of the Sri Lankan civil war rebuild their lives and offers dharma and meditation classes to people of all faiths. Every time there is a need anywhere in the world, the Nairobi Buddhist Temple would seek to offer help to the best of their ability.

Anura Leslie Perera’s Life and Leisure Philosophy

Aware of the benefits of living a more mindful life, Anura Leslie Perera follows the pH diet, which strives to incorporate more alkaline food in eating like leafy green vegetables, grains and fatty fish while limiting the consumption of more acidic food like red meat and other meat products. The diet also encourages adherents to chew their food slowly and thoroughly, not only for increasing mindfulness but also to ensure that proper digestion is achieved. Anura Leslie Perera was able to control his diabetes by using this food philosophy. In his free time, Anura Leslie Perera engages in his two favorite activities, which are reading and cricket. He also regularly appears in radio and television programs in order to spread his wisdom and knowledge that he has been accumulating through the years. Moreover, he continually calls for more corporations to engage in corporate philanthropy.

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Philanthropy Does Not have To Be A Slow And Painful Slog

It is truly unfortunate that many people tend to shy away or ignore altogether the issue of global poverty alleviation. Their reasons are justified by the fact that poverty is a stubborn social issue that has complex and multiple causes. Many of those who are fighting global poverty lament that the process is indeed very slow and painful. However, the website 170 Exchange has a solution that is not tedious and actually benefits all parties. In the United States, commercial real estate companies can receive a tax deduction if they choose to do what is called the 170 Exchange or Bargain Sales. The way it works is that the owner of a property donates the property to a non-profit entity for a charitable contribution based tax deduction. This allows the commercial real estate company to immediately save money on paying taxes, as opposed to saving taxes in the future.


The Welfont Group Uses the 170 Exchange to Fund the Mercy Foundation

The Welfont Group is a commercial real estate company that specializes in acquiring under-utilized or distressed properties. It can also connect other commercial real estate companies with non-profit organizations so both can benefit from the 170 Exchange. This is truly a unique service that not many other companies can offer.

Industry Veterans Sound Off on the Welfont Group’s Expertise on 170 Exchange

Robert W. Wood, a contributor of Forbes Magazine reiterated the niche service offering of the Welfont Group. “While you can make a simple swap of one property for another, the odds are slim you will find someone with the exact property you want who wants the exact property you have.” This is why the Welfont Group is well known for its ability to create suitable matches between commercial real estate firms and non-profit entities that can legally take advantage of the 170 Exchange because as Gary Keller, author of “The Millionaire Real Estate Investor” confirmed, “It’s a very straightforward procedure, but it take some planning. This program in the IRS tax code allows you to sell and buy properties without having to declare capital gains or pay those taxes.” Those words certainly sound like music to the ears of many commercial real estate brokers!

From 170 Exchange to Micro Loans Funding Philanthropic Causes

The Welfont Group disburses micro loans through the Mercy Foundation in order to help those who are less fortunate all around the world. These micro loans are usually used by small businesses, usually family managed, to expand so that they could make small but effective changes that help them get out of debilitating poverty. One example is a family in Georgia that uses the micro loan to buy more milk cows so that the family can make and sell more cheese products. The extra income is then used to renovate their dilapidated house, repay the micro loan and reinvested into the family dairy business. Instead of relying on donations, this family pulls itself out of poverty. What a beautiful thing to see.

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Ways in Which You Can Help The World

With the hustle and bustle of daily life, job pressures and family duties, it can be very easy for us to forget about those in the World who are far less fortunate than ourselves. There are those who didn’t win the geographical lottery, those who are maligned by illness or are stuck in situations that they did not choose nor can be held responsible for and it is important that as part of the World, we do all that we can to help. You may not think you have the time or the money to help out but there are always ways in which you can support others and here are just a few of them for you to consider.


Donating Money

There are countless charities and organizations that rely heavily or sometimes sole on the fundraising efforts of their team and the kindness of others to give. If you feel like you don’t have the time to commit to helping others then writing a cheque can do the power of good to many organizations. Take the Synagogue of All Nations (SCOAN) church for example, they sent hundreds of humanitarian workers and medical staff to Haiti in 2010 after the Earthquake that almost destroyed the island and this year they sent $500,000 of aid to Ecuador after it too was hit by an earthquake. Without the donations of kind people, the church would never have been able to help out so much. Just imagine being responsible for helping the lives of others through donating just a  small amount of money.

Donating Your Time

Fining time each week to help out those less fortunate than you is something that is not only rewarding to those whom you are helping but also very personally rewarding. There are countless ways in which you can help, you could help out in a local charity shop, assist in fundraising efforts, you could help out in a local soup kitchen or hospital or even doing something sponsored for charity such as a skydive or bungee jump. What you do exactly is not important it is more the fact that you do something. Think honestly about how you spend your time each week and consider if you could give up just an hour or two in order to help others.

Donate Your Possessions

We all have several things in our lives and around the home that we don’t want or no longer need and spending a day collecting all of these things together and taking them to your local charity shop is a great way to help out. You could help to make the charity a lot of money with your old possessions, providing they are in good condition and this act of kind would not take up too much of your time, but could make a big difference. There are so many people who hoard things that they no longer need and if fewer people did this and more people gave to charity then the World would be a far better place for it.

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Which Jobs Suit The Motivators Among Us

Making a career choice is never easy, there is a great deal of pressure that comes with it too, especially if you’re planning on steering your education towards your future career, the last thing that you want to do is have to change path halfway through.  It is therefore important that you consider how you can best match the skills and characteristics that you have to a potential career. If you are a creative thinker then you could look at a career in design or engineering, if you have a caring attitude then perhaps a career working with children or sick people may be the perfect fit for you. Today we are going to take a look at what career choices you have in front of you if you are the motivational type, someone who can inspire others to achieve great things.



If you are a person of faith then a great way to utilize your motivational skills is to become a pastor. There are some incredibly influential people out there who work as pastors for their own churches or for churches of others who, on a weekly basis, inspire people with the teachings of the gospel and encourage people to improve their lives. One such pastor who does this with aplomb is TB Joshua, the passionate and energetic head of the Synagogue of All Nations. Joshua’s sermons have become extremely popular both in his church and on the internet and he is a great person to follow if you want to improve you motivational skills.

Sales Manager

There are several management roles that require you to be motivational in how you conduct themselves but few require the levels of motivation that you need to be the leader of a sales team. All areas of sales are fiercely competitive and the team that is doing the selling need to be at the top of their game to achieve results, as sales team manager it will be your responsibility to get them up for the challenge. You will need to coach, inspire and fire up your team for the day ahead and keep them motivated as they try to hit targets.


If you want a truly rewarding career where you have the opportunity to motivate and shape minds then teaching is the profession for you. As a teacher you will be called daily to not only impart knowledge to your students but also to motivate them in their educational goals. The beauty of teaching is that you will have a class of very different individuals with very different talents and your challenge is to work out how best you can motivate each and every individual in the classroom. Teaching is a daily challenge that will test all areas of your ability from your motivational skills, your leadership skills and your levels of patience. If you want the ultimate rewarding career where you can motivate the minds of others on a daily basis then look no further than a career in teaching.

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Highest Earning Career Choices For You

If you were to honestly give an answer to the question ‘what are the most important things when choosing a career?’ You would most probably say: doing something you love, having power and making lots of money. Many people claim that money can’t buy happiness but the reality is that very few rich people are miserable and if you can get a career that pays well then you’ll be a lot closer to happiness than those living on the bread line.


It’s important that you choose early on what kind of career it is that you want so that you can steer your education in that direction. If you want to become a neurosurgeon like Dr. Joseph Yazdi for example then you’re going to need to have extremely high grades from early on in your education. Let’s take a look then at some of the highest earning jobs out there for you to dream about.

Chief Executive Officer

CEOs constantly occupy the list of the World’s richest people, they command respect, they have power over many people and huge companies and they make an eye watering amount of money. To become a CEO you need to get an MBA at college and gain as much experience as possible in the world of business. Once you find a job in your chosen industry you need to be a forward thinking, responsible and creative member of the team and make friends in high places. You will have to work your way up through the company before being offered the chance of CEO, a dream job.

Medical Profession

The medical profession is where salaries are huge and you will have the opportunity every single day to improve or save the lives of others, personally and financially rewarding. In order to get into medicine you are going to have to work very hard and ensure that your grades are impeccable. Once you have graduated from college you will go on to med school where once again you’ll have to perform to a high standard. After completing your education you’ll have to show talent in your chosen role to progress through the various salary levels and then you will start to see the real money rolling in. Here are some of the highest earning medical professionals.

– Oncologist

– Dentist

– Surgeon

– Urologist


Lawyers can make a vast amount of money depending on their success and if you have a passion for argument, persuasion and the truth then you could be in for a large salary as a lawyer. You will have to go to law school after your education and pass the bar before you can start in the industry and then you will be a low level lawyer for some time. Keeping your nose clean and win big cases at the law firm however and you will soon be boosted up the ranks. If you are good enough you could also start your own law firm where you can decide what your fees will be.

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Items to Consider Before Opting for Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is far more popular these days than ever before, lower prices and far more surgeons have made this type of surgery much more accessible for the general public and as such, lots of people are choosing to augment, alter and improve their bodies. If you have been looking at the option of cosmetic surgery the you are going to need to think long and hard about whether it is a smart choice for you.


I recently had a liposuction procedure to help aid my weight loss, something I’d been trying to do for years without success. I went to a clinic called Sono Bello who offered a form of liposuction called laser liposuction, it was non-invasive and had instant results. My decision to have surgery was not taken lightly and these are a few things that I considered before choosing this procedure.

The Clinic

Once I’d decided that I wanted to go in for my procedure, I meticulously researched the clinics that were available to me, I’d heard some horror stories about people whose procedures had gone wrong and I wanted to make sure that I chose the best clinic possible. I went and spoke to 3 or 4 different surgeons before deciding on the clinic where I would feel most comfortable. I not only visited several clinics but also read a great many reviews, it was the Sono Bello reviews that looked the best and after speaking to them I felt very comfortable and confident. When you choose your clinic ensure that you feel good and they give you the same confidence.

The Cost

Although cosmetic surgery is a great deal cheaper than it was in the past, it still can be quite expensive and as with any large purchase, you need to ensure that you can afford it. I see lots of people taking out loans and financial plans in order to get their surgery and whilst I can understand the haste, you should really try to make sure that you have the money to pay for it first. Taking out finance plans could cost you money in the long run and leave you under pressure financially.

Why do You Want it?

There are lots of different reasons why people elect cosmetic surgery, some do so to fix a hangup that they have about their bodies, others do so to keep up with latest fashion, some do it for medical reasons whilst others are looking to acquire their version of the perfect body. It is important that before you decide on surgery that you work out which bracket you fall into and understand why you want the surgery. Very often people have body image issues in their mind and no amount of surgery can fix it, this can lead to shelling out lots of money and time trying to find something that can’t be found. Speaking to your family and friends about your body can help you to decide whether or not cosmetic surgery is for you.

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Tips on What to Do with a Damaged iPhone


If your iPhone is damaged, it is useful. Because it is such an intricate device, you simply can’t use it properly anymore, even if there is just a bit of damage to the screen. You must, therefore, find the best iPhone repair Tampa Fl has to offer. What you will find, however, is that it can be quite hard to find this, as well as expensive. Naturally, you could choose to repair your phone yourself.

Professional Repairs

If you choose to have a professional repair your iPhone, make sure it is someone with a solid reputation. You do not have to send your phone to Apple, however, unless you really want to pay a very high bill. Rather, you should look for a professional phone repair shop, where issues such as broken screens can quickly be repaired.

There are numerous solutions offered to you when going to a professional repair shop. You do, however, have to make sure they have a professional attitude and a lot of experience. Check, for starters, that they offer Apple repairs. These products are very different from any other device, so you need to make sure they know what they are doing.

Then, you have to consider price. You went to a local shop because you wanted to save money. While inexpensive is good, cheap should be avoided. You do get what you pay for, so if you find a company that charger much less than any other store, it is likely that their service will be equally cheap.

Do also look into the store’s reputation. Speak to people within the community about the store, check the internet, and go to social media. If a store is doing a good job, it shouldn’t be difficult to find out about it.

DIY Repairs

The other option is to repair the phone yourself. The problem with DIY projects is that you could end up damaging your phone even more. Hence, you must be very careful if you want to attempt this. Make sure you have a video guide beside you that you have watched several times before you touch your iPhone. If you aren’t 100% convinced that you can do it, then don’t. The damage you do by doing it wrong can be so hard to fix that it would be cheaper to just buy a new phone.

Naturally, the best thing is to not damage your iPhone in the first place. You need to put it in a cover and have a screen protector in place so that you don’t have to pay for repairs. If you do this, you won’t have to worry about damaging your device either. Prevention is always better than cure, after all. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, accidents do happen. If one happens to you, luckily there are iPhone repair shops in Tampa, FL that you can turn to in order to have the issue resolved and your phone returned to you as good as new.

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Finding Medical Supplies for Diabetics Online


Diabetes is a lifelong disease that requires careful management. In order to do this properly, patients must make significant changes to their lifestyle. They also have to regularly monitor their blood sugar, and follow a specific diet. Many also require medication. This means that they require medical supplies, and therefore have to be in contact with a medical supply company. Thanks to the emergence of the internet, however, finding such a company has never been easier.

Shopping Online for Medical Supplies

Nowadays, you can simply shop online for all your diabetes supplies. Not only are the prices generally much lower than anywhere else, you also have the opportunity to use some of the most technologically advanced tools and products available. Your local pharmacies are likely to stock the same products, but that means taking the time out to go there, speak to pharmacists, pick things up, travel backwards and forwards, and more. All of these things can be done online instead.

Useful Tips for Buying Diabetes Supplies Online

Before you buy anything, you have to make sure that you have a proper treatment plan in place, which you must write together with your physician. They will prescribe the different supplies that you require in order to manage your condition. You should review this list carefully, working out which supplies you need and how often they need to be replenished.

One problem with the internet is that it is also very easy for bogus companies to target you to get your money. Medical supplies are required for your health and wellbeing, so you must make sure that your supplier is reliable. Check reviews, therefore, and do also make sure they have excellent customer service policies.

One important way to make sure that your purchase is safe is that they have an SSL certificate. This means that all communication is secure, and that your personal data cannot be accessed by others. You should not give anybody your personal information directly, after all. You can also check by making sure the URL starts with “https”, with the “s” meaning that it is secure.

Check the different payment options the supplier gives you as well. As a minimum, they should accept all the major credit cards. Others now also offer Google checkout and PayPal. None should ask for your bank details directly, however.

The customer service should be reachable around the clock. After all, diabetes management can become urgent, particularly if you struggle to stabilize your blood sugar levels. It should be easy to contact the company, therefore. The best ones offer telephone support, live chat, email tickets, and more. You have to be able to have all your questions answered, and you must be provided with solutions should you find that there is a problem with your order. Looking into independent customer reviews is a good way to check up on a company, but also by speaking to your physician and your pharmacist.

Once you have done all of this, you should be able to get the best medical supplies to manage your diabetes.

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6 tips for creating the most compelling signage a retail store can have

Looking for tips for creating the most compelling signage a retail store can have? We got 'em.
Photo by CC user Ray Moore on Flickr

Want to pull in new customers off the sidewalk by the dozens? By creating a compelling pitch on a visually attractive sign, you can do just that.

When you are looking for signage design Perth that can help you accomplish this goal, you may be tempted to rush off to a sign creator like Kingman Visual with your order based on a few hunches you might have.

However, we recommend that you keep the following pointers in mind if you want to get killer results for your business.

1) Make sure it can be seen by your customers

This one may seem obvious, but you would be shocked by the number of amateurish signs that you’ll see at the average intersection.

Built far too small for anyone lacking superhuman vision, the message of the entrepreneur goes unnoticed, despite the capital and time put into their creation.

When you create signage for your business, keep your target audience in mind. If your goal is to be seen by pedestrians walking down the sidewalk, the size of the letters won’t need to be as large as they would if you want motorists to read your message, as they are in motion and are further away from your sign.

For example, if you want your message read clearly from 100 feet away, your letters should be at least 10 inches tall.

2) Don’t make it too busy

Concise messaging is another key component for shop owners looking to create compelling signage for their business.

Often, there is a compulsion to stuff a sign with as much information as possible. This is the wrong approach, as your pitch can get lost in an ocean of unnecessary detail. Most people are busy rushing off to somewhere else, so keeping it simple is of paramount importance.

Also, don’t forget to leave plenty of whitespace: experts recommend that as much as 40% of the sign should be left blank to create added focus on the message you are trying to get across.

3) Use appropriate font faces and colors

The colors and the type face you employ can induce a variety of emotions in your prospects, so choose wisely when you are laying out your sign.

For example, yellow is synonymous with friendliness and optimism, black is associated with seriousness and authority, Times New Roman gives the reader a feeling of tradition, while Helvetica grants a feeling of stability and reliability.

Use these design features to create the emotions you want to evoke, while avoiding ones that conflict with your intended message.

4) Add relevant images

To add even greater impact to your signage, consider adding images that are congruent with the message you are trying to get across.

For instance, if you are starting a chicken noodle soup street cart, having some imagery depicting noodles, a soup bowl, and/or a chicken will make it crystal clear in the minds of passersby what you have to offer.

5) Make sure the font and background color contrast well with each other

Some colors play better than others. Black on white, which is the scheme used in this blog and many others, is among the most popular.

Black on yellow is the one with the best contrast overall, which explains why caution signs on roadways in North America are colored the way they are.

On the other hand, combinations such as green on red and red on yellow are as appealing as nails scratching on a chalkboard. Avoid these and similar color combos at all costs.

6) Write killer copy

Get your message across in two short sentences … minimum. What pain does the customer have, and what is your solution?

Example: “Cold day? Warm your insides with our dark chocolate cocoa … on now for $0.99 a cup!” Bait the hook, and reel them in!

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