Movie fans like David Berkowitz Chicago agree that this is going to be a great year for reboots! Look for some of your favorites from the small screen to make their debuts at the cinema in the coming, and for some great novels to be adapted to reach new audiences. Check out some of our favorites:
Beauty and the Beast
After the success of live action adaptations like The Jungle Book, Alice and Wonderland and Maleficent, this animated classic is redone, starring Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens and The Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston and Ewan McGregor as Lumière.
Alien Covenant
Starring Michael Fassbender Noomi Rapace, Billy Crudup, Katherine Watterston and Danny McBride, this sequel to the prequel reboot of the Alien series, picks up after the events of Prometheus. It follows the story of a new colony ship, the Covenant, which stumbles upon the only survivor of the Prometheus expedition – a synthetic named David (Michael Fassbender).
Power Rangers
This is the third Power Rangers movie, but it is being touted as a reimagining of the originals. The film explores how five teenagers – Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Jason – are transformed into the Power Rangers, determined to save the world from an alien invasion. The young stars will surely become household names, joined by some favorites, including Bryan Cranston as the Power Rangers’ mentor and Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa, the alien leader.
Smurfs: the Lost Village
Gargamel, Smurfette, Brainy and the other Smurfs set off on a new adventure in this computer animated retake on the comic book series. Starring Demi Lovato, Mandy Patinkin, Joe Manganiello and Rainn Wilson, this story follows the gang off an an adventure through the Forbidden forest in search of a lost village.
War for the Planet of the Apes
Starring Andy Serkis as Caesar, Judy Greer as Cornelia, and Karin Konoval as Maurice, his sequel to the reboot prequel of the original Planet of the Apes films continues to explore the rise of the apes and mankind’s downfall. Following the events of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the film follows Ape-leader Caesar in his battle with humanity. Starring Andy Serkis as Caesar, Judy Greer as Cornelia, and Karin Konoval as Maurice.
Wonder Woman
Gad Gadot puts on the star-spangled short-shorts after some casting controversy – you are sure to enjoy this reboot of the TV classic about an Amazon princess and warrior determined to stop war in world beyond her island.
The Mummy
Tom Cruise stars in this reboot of the original Mummy trilogy with Brendan Fraser. This entertaining story is said to be completely separate from the original version, based on a new interpretation of the backstory – it revolves around an ancient queen who awakes in the present day looking to settle old scores. Also stars Annabelle Wallis, Sofia Boutella and Russell Crowe.